Apr 02, 2005 12:05
last night wus officially my last hockey game of the season.....it was one of our best games and it wus awesome, but it sucks cuzz this season wus so great and now its over. usually most years on the team im on, nobody is really friends and if they are they seclude (if thats a word) themselves from everyone but this season everyone wus so friendly and now its all over. and right when i wana get into the tennis season, it fuckin SNOWS! sicne when does it SNOW in APRIL!>!?!! so puzzling....o and last nite the final score was 6-5...our coach wus like WTF GUYS!?!? u guys get the lowest goals for in the league the whole season and the lowest goals against and here u come with another high scoring game! but it wus good cuz we were down 4-1 at one point....it wus a great season, haha it wus fun posting about my games even tho nobody probly cared lol im such a loser. hahah everyone enjoy the fuckin snow out today!.......p.s. amanda sucks! she got us all!!!