Feb 27, 2010 12:19
Food was a success last night! We made Spring rolls (wrapped in collards) and sushi, using a parsnip/nut creation for the "rice". It was freaking delicious. and even though he did the actual rolling, I'ma take some credit for helping make the sushi and say we did a darn good job. :)
Then, we watched Buffy (per his suggestion), and yes, he knows episodes and seasons- a for realz Joss fan.
I'm still trying to figure out if he's actually attracted to me or not. I feel okay writing this much, even though he is currently actively seeking my unpurposefully elusive blog, which he's actually even googled the right thing to find it, but must not have scrolled down far enough on the page, but whatever. /sidenote. Anyhoo, with 1-2 layers of technology between us, I'd totally say he digs me. Face to Face? Left to be determined. I have lots more to say on that, but in the event he may find this I'ma keep my mouth shut for now and ride it out.
In other news, I have a lot of errands to run, but darnit it's been so long since I've been able to just be laaaazy on the couch, I really don't wanna do em. But I should. I'm just so enjoying the darkish, quiet calm of Saturday for the first time in a month...