Title: Untitled
Pairing: TakakixYuuto
hikarin Rating: PG-15/R.
Warnings: Angst. Romance.
Disclaimer: I wish.
Summary: Something along the lines of forbidden love. Them sneaking kisses, "moments" & stuff like that.
Notes: For the
Shameless Underage Fic Anonymeme.
“Takaki-kun…” Gasps are heard as Yuuto shifts uncomfortably on the bed, the older boy on top of him.
“Sorry, but Yabu’s gonna kill me if he finds out I’m here.” Takaki tries his best to kiss away the younger boy’s pained expression, while at the same time softly stroking his hair.
“It’s okay. Yama-chan will not take a lot of time to come back, too.” Yuuto says, taking the older boy’s hand that had been in his hair and placing it on his own cheek.
Yuuya smiles and places one last small kiss on Yuuto’s lips, before drawing away a little. Pained groans can be heard blending with suppressed moans, until everything changes into sounds of pleasure and nothing more.
“Yuuya.” It’s the last thing Takaki hears before slumping beside Yuuto, breath erratic. He reaches for the younger boy and draws him closer again, kissing the top of his head.
“You’re beautiful, you know?” Yuuto smiles with his eyes still closed, and snuggles into the warm body beside him. They stay like that for a few short moments, before the older boy begins to get up from the bed. He directs his gaze to Yuuto, who is looking up at him with those eyes he could lose himself into, and cups his face between his hands.
“I have to go. I’m sorry.” Yuuya kisses him then, and smiles again indulging into a second kiss when Yuuto draws him close again. “I love you.” He says at last, before finally standing up and beginning to get dressed.
As Takaki is leaving the room, Yamada notices him from the end of the hallway. The older boy doesn’t see him, instead.
He enters the room a few moments later, and upon seeing his best friend already asleep with a silly smile on his features he rolls his eyes. A smile tugs at the corner of his lips as well, anyway.
“Here we go again.”
“Yuuto, are you alright?” Inoo asks as he watches the younger boy grimacing slightly while they are leaving the hotel. The remark immediately draws Yabu’s attention, too.
“Uh? Yes, I’m okay. I just slept in a strange position last night and my back hurts.” The younger boy answers with his trademark smile, immediately washing away any further worry.
“Take it easy today, then. We have filming tomorrow.” Yabu smiles at him and he nods.
But Yuuto halts suddenly when he feels himself being pulled back and behind a corner, finding himself face to face with Takaki.
“You sure you’re okay?” The older ask with a worried expression, while Yuuto only laughs.
“Yes, I am. It’s not like I’m not used to it.” The worry melts into a soft smile, and Takaki hugs the younger boy around his waist and kisses his cheek.
“Don’t force yourself anyway. You got captain’s permission, too.” He kisses his cheek again and then draws away, going back to walk towards the exit.
Yuuto is left there blushing when Yamada and Daiki wink at him as they are passing by.
They got a short break from the PV filming, so Takaki dragged Yuuto away when nobody was paying attention and is now effectively pinning him to a wall of some storage closet.
“You know, it was easier when you were still short.” The younger boy laughs breathily from the kisses that are being pressed to his neck. Speaking truthfully, Takaki loved when he was able to pick Yuuto up, and loved the feeling of him wrapping his legs around his waist. But then Yuuto had shot up like crazy and it was practically impossible to do it now.
“How much time do we have?” Yuuto asks, nudging the other’s head up.
“Ten minutes, more or less.” Yuuya takes a hold of Yuuto’s arms and places them around his neck. “Better make the best out if it, right?”
The younger boy doesn’t answer, only dives in to shut the older one up.
They weren’t able to have some time alone for the rest of the day. Yuuto went around with a stolen video-camera most of the time, while Takaki pretended to ignore the younger boy while sticking to the first person that passed by. Yuuto tried not to show that he was hurting a bit because of this, even when the older boy was really cold towards him.
By the end of the day he was really in a foul mood, even if Yamada had promised to cheer him up with strawberry ice-cream in their room later that night (Yuuto wasn’t sure if he really wanted to cheer him up or just have an excuse to eat strawberry ice-cream, but he wasn’t going to give up on his offer). They filed away from the set, getting into the van that would take them back to the hotel.
Yuuto was looking out of the window, unaware of a pair of eyes that weren’t leaving his figure anytime soon.
As they were getting back into the hotel, Yuuto feels himself being dragged away once again (he really needed to tell Takaki to stop doing that).
“Hey, what’s wrong?” The younger boy bites his lower lip and diverts his gaze to the ground. When he feels Yuuya taking a hold of his hand, he only whispers a soft ‘nothing’ while lacing their fingers together.
He hears a sigh, and then the older boy nudges his head up. His expression is serious, but still sweet and caring. “Yuuto, I know there’s something wrong with you when you stop bouncing around and talking at a million miles per second.”
The younger boy takes a step forward and leans against Takaki’s body, and the latter wraps his free arm around him. Yuuto sinks into the warmth, burying his face against the other’s neck.
“I just... I hate having to hide like this because of Yabu’s stupid worries. I love you, what’s wrong with that? Yama-chan and Dai-chan already know, half of the group probably does too and I don’t like having to hide things from him of all people.”
Takaki only hugs him tighter, raking his fingers gently through Yuuto’s hair. “I know. He does that because he cares about the group and he thinks he’s doing the right thing, even if even he can’t go against some things sometimes.”
Yuuto hums and doesn’t say anything for a few moments, before finally breaking the silence. “And I really hated the way you were speaking to me today, or ignoring me. It was horrible.”
“You know why I was doing that, Yuuto.” Takaki says, drawing away from him. “And you were fooling around with the others too, I just had to keep myself entertained.”
“But it hurts!” The younger boy said, looking up with tears forming in his eyes.
“Stop being a baby. You perfectly know I don’t do that because I want to.” The older boy is getting a bit worked up now. “We have enough problems as it is, we don’t need to add even more stupid issues to that.”
“So the way I feel is stupid?” Yuuto suddenly lets go of his grip on the older boy’s hand and draws away completely from him. “If I’m too childish for you, go find someone else that won’t feel the slightest bit down when his boyfriend treats them as if he doesn’t even care at all.”
With that, the younger boy stalks down the hall towards his room, leaving a frustrated Takaki behind.
The older bumps his head against a nearby wall and heaves a sigh. “I’m an idiot.”
“I’m going over to Dai-chan’s room, okay?” Yuuto nods faintly as Yamada tells him that, after he refused to spend the night pigging over a tub of strawberry ice-cream. He hears his best friend sigh but he does not move from his laying position on the bed, not even when the door closes surrounding him in semi-dark.
His phone has been ringing endlessly since he came back into the room, but he didn’t bother to check it. He knows who is it, and he doesn’t want to deal with him.
He doesn’t know how much time passed since Yamada left, but soon he hears the door opening again. He figures his best friend must have forgotten something and came back to retrieve it, so he doesn’t even bother to look up.
He is startled for a second, however, when he feels a hand being placed on his lower back. The bed dips a second later, and he raises his head only to see Takaki sitting beside him. Yuuto can’t make out his expression because the light is too dim, the only source being the lamp on Yamada’s bedside table.
The younger boy shifts to lie on his side, and they both are still completely silent. Takaki lifts his hand to caress Yuuto’s cheek with his fingers, hoping it won’t be slapped away. He’s relieved as Yuuto lets him, and moves his hand a bit higher, brushing away the strands of hair who are covering the younger’s eyes.
“I’m sorry.” The BEST member says, still stroking the other boy’s cheek. Yuuto softly shakes his head, before lifting one of his hands and placing it on top of Yuuya’s stroking one.
“I was in a bad mood, it’s not your fault.” He stops for a second, before continuing. “You’re right. I really am too childish.”
“No, you’re not. And I didn’t want to make you think that the way you feel is stupid. Because it’s not. It’s one of the things that matter the most to me, I don’t want you to believe that I don’t care.” As soon as Takaki stops talking, Yuuto starts tugging on his hand, clearly wanting the older boy to lie down beside him.
The latter complies, immediately taking the younger into his arms and hugging him tight. “We kind of are a couple of idiots, right.” Yuuya laughs at this, kissing the top of Yuuto’s head.
“Well, then we’re perfect for each other.” He smiles when he sees Yuuto nod and smile. The younger boy’s smiles are something that always light up his heart; they are so genuine and bright, just like him.
“Yama-chan and Dai-chan said I can stay here tonight. They said they will come early in the morning to wake us up before somebody finds out that we swapped. Yama-chan seemed to be quite happy to be able to hog my bed anyway.” The younger boy laughs softly, slowly moving closer to the older boy’s face.
“We will have to order tons of strawberries and Pocky to repay them, I guess.”
“Don’t even make me think about it. My wallet is already crying.” Yuuto laughs again and smacks the older boy playfully on the back of his head. They laugh together some more, before finally calming down.
Yuuya gazes for a while into the younger boy’s eyes, before rolling them over and bringing Yuuto under him. “But now I’d like to occupy myself with something I’ve been dying to do all day long.” This makes the younger boy’s giggle, and he kisses Takaki on the tip of his nose.
“Shut up and kiss me.” Yuuto demands, and not a second later a pair of lips are on his, soft as ever. He spontaneously parts his lips a few moments later, and smiles as the older boy deepens their kiss. It’s a slow kiss, but these are the ones Takaki treasures the most because it’s when they can take their time to enjoy each other presence.
As they break away for air, the older boy just goes back to stroke Yuuto’s cheeks. “You want to?” He always asks, because he’d feel horrible knowing he’s making the other do something because he feels he has too.
But Yuuto smiles and nods, and his heart skips a beat. “I want to take things slow. I’ll make it up to you for the other night, I was pretty horrible then.”
“You know you never are. And I know you know I can hurt you pretty badly if you only try to be horrible. You know, I’ve been practicing a lot with the drums lately.” Yuuto says cheekily. The older boy knows he is only joking about beating him up, but he also knows that Yuuto is pretty much saying the truth.
“Less talk.”
Clothes are shred all over the floor as the room is filled with gasps and hushed moans; thighs between one’s legs, nails scraping at one’s back as they kiss over and over until they come undone, hard and beautiful.
The older boy whispers sweet nothings into Yuuto’s ear as the younger slowly starts to doze off against his chest. The younger boy can make out only three words out of everything; but those three words are the ones that make him fall asleep with a smile on his face.
“We should take a picture of this, it’s good blackmailing material.” Yamada says while pointing at the mess of clothes on the floor and the two figures still asleep on the bed, tangled in the sheets. He immediately receives a hard slap over his head by a not very amused Daiki.
“Shut up, they look so cute and peaceful like that.” The older boy says, looking at them with a small smile.
“Sap.” Yamada snorts.
“Idiot. You’re just jealous because you don’t have anyone.”
“You could always offer, you know.” Yamada winks at Daiki.
“...In your dreams, piggy.”