Nov 09, 2007 20:26
No. seriously. I've been thinking in terms of others ability to critically think. I remember Taylor Mali's poem about conviction and the lack thereof in albeit American Culture whether it be higher ed or the street corner. People take these positions and make these conclusions without totally valuing either side of the argument whether it be the Death Penalty or Abortion.
Not to negate people's personal opinion. But I've heard arguments " that's just how i feel" or "i don't care what these author's say or researcher's" , which is well and good that is in effect "your" opinion. But you would think in a world with access to the internet. great libraries free and accessible in most areas that people would take the time to evaluate and think about their position.
Now I know that no, people don't have time to read cultural theory/criticism but where do we as "Americans" reach a happy medium of understanding. As humans we operate on schemas/assumptions to adjust to the world. But it seems like knowing (critically) is STUPID.
take for example how philosophy isn't really a highly regarded major in many circles. the common
"what are you going to do with that". There is no place for intellectuals beyond academia and even then due to interest groups and think tanks your not allowed to say "This is my opinion but i do feel that the other side makes some sense" it has to be " The Democrats/ Republicans or Left/Right is stupid they make no sense" pushing agendas. And do to the profit motive most research is based off of money instead of the claiming of new ideas and creating dialogue look at creationist researchers or the RAND corporation.
While i do identify with "leftist" politics, i understand that Noam Chomsky or Bell Hooks are not perfect or w/o flaws. Everything they say is not "Thus saith" but nonetheless their points make the most sense too many after looking at "conservative" thinkers.