Day fourteen of National Poetry Writing Month, and nobody has begged me to stop. Yet.
Given the misogynistic tone of many Limericks - and of profanity in general - I will endeavour to provide some gender balance in the tide of salacity and slander.
This policy will be extended to the tide of disturbing perversions and improbable injuries: gentlemen, you have been warned.
However, today's effort is merely rude, despite the promising beginning:
A gentleman knows when to burp,
To gargle and swallow, or slurp:
The peak of his art
Is to sneak out a fart
And to blame it on some other twerp.
There is an obscene version and I will supply it, if asked, in a comment.
This is a copy of my post
here, on Dreamwidth, which has
comments. OpenID will allow you to comment there from your LiveJournal session: contact me if you have problems.