My LiveJournal SitcomBeing hairybeast (NBC, 2:30):
hairybeast (Sally Field) decides to run for city council, but
a_blank_page (Angela Lansbury) refuses to help. The week after,
defyingtheodds (Kevin Smith) convinces
rickydeath13 (Lena Horne) to buy a pineapple. Also,
bloodyblades (Ralph Macchio) keeps accidentally stepping on
starrnx (Kate Winslet)'s foot. At the same time,
underiyingtruth (Warren Beatty) learns a card trick from
endlesswhine (Groucho Marx). Nearby,
mynameisyohan (Vanessa Redgrave) and
aaronreview (Milla Jovovich) collaborate on writing a romance novel. TV-MA.
What's Your LiveJournal Sitcom? (by
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