Jan 19, 2006 19:28
Hey everyone!!!
Let me tell you how my day went. Well, first hour I have Fortner for Econ.. It isn't that bad....just a tad boring because all he does is lecture. The topic of today's lecture was cooperatives and franchises. Second hour i have AP Gov. I actually like this class. Gordon is awesome. He's so layed back. He's patient to. If he asks you a question he'll accept any answer you give him. What he'll do is that he'll sort of mold it to what it should be. Today we learned about the political philosophies of the Athenians and Romans, and how we use them in our government today. We also talked about referendum, initiative, and recall. I still have to do his essay on "The Definition of a Citizen." I'm actually afraid of writing it because I'm not the best writer and I don't want to insult him or myself with how bad I write. I'll be compared to people like Mike who have been in Honors English the last four years and have had a ton of writing experience. I guess I'm just afraid of failing. Eh....I'll just have to bite my lip and give it hell I guess. We didn't do much in AP Psych today. All we talked about were the stages of sleep and how we dream. AP Chem was decent enough. All we did were practice problems about Henry and Raoult's Laws. Then, I had Comp....McNabney....he's such a boob. He gives us a packet and says he's not going to read it to us and inevitably starts reading it to us. I'm for chrikes sake we're seinors and we know how to freaking read. I had to leave at about half the period because we had yearbook pictures today. Oh yeah I'm in three pics....Aud Staff, Thespian, and MTC. Then I had to go back and get my backpack. Then I went to AP H Calc were about all the class left to take pictures. It was just Dave, Katie, and I talking to Pflum the entire time. We were talking about how Pflum's crazy grandpa would always hit on her sister and how her sister is a drunk. It was kind of amusing. After school I went to see how Franklin was coming with my letter of recomendation. It was funny because I got there as he was using the bathroom so I just stood outside his classroom door for him which i think kinda freaked him out...lol. Then, I went to hang out with Mary, Grace, Alexa, and Sarah. This was quite fun. I gave Mary and Grace "head schrichies." They seemed to enjoy them so that made me happy. Then I went to the sex couch and just relaxed for a couple of hours with Genelle, Steph?, Morgan, Tony, and Felix. Felix and Tony played guitar and entertained us. Other than that we all just lounged. Twas' relaxing! Then, I walked home to find my dad sitting in his power chair in front of the toob. It's good to have him back. The only bad thing is that he's acting sorta weird. He feel asleep in front of the tv and while asleep he bent down to pick something up and tried to hand it to me. Except there was nothing in his hand. He did another strange thing about twenty minutes ago. He was sleeping in his chair. Then, all of a sudden he asks "where's John?" John was his roomate at the hospital who also had a strok. John's storke was worse than my dad's . I'm sure he'll be ok. So don't worry bout it you guys. I finished my chem homework. All i have to do now is comp and gov. Well I guess I'll bid you all adieu!