Feb 02, 2011 07:19
okay, as it stands, ten people on my flist have put up a reverse f-cut of some kind. So now from me you get a psa.
This may or may not be extremely evident already (by virtue of my nature), but, I don't do f-cuts. The only times I've done something similar is when I've moved journals, but since that won't be happening anymore, I just thought I'd state that.
NOW, the reason why is because I believe if you don't want me on your f-list, you should not have to keep me there until you have my "permission" to remove me. You guys are free to remove me any time! I'll say again what I said on plurk, I would feel worse being listed as a friend out of politeness over genuinely wanting me there. I know my posts can be long and, in my opinion at least, pretty stupid, so if you don't want to read them then I completely understand!
Please, if you feel that way or we're just not connecting (and it's because of lack of common interest of personality or something like that, I am extremely shy and ~communication~ is hard for me lmao) and you don't think we ever will, then you're free to remove me whenever you damn well please. I won't be hurt or upset or anything; if everyone on the world could be friends then we wouldn't need call display.
And please note that I'd have the same consideration for you, unless you happen to post a conveniently-timed f-cut (which has happened before), but in either case I would definitely let you know I was removing you and why, if that's what you want. If you are currently on my flist it's because I like you and I want you there. I don't comment on all the posts on my list, but I do read them all. All of them. So, yeah, I take this "internet friendship" business quite seriously lmao
I just thought I'd throw this up in the air, in case there's anyone on my f-list keeping me on there without wanting me there and they just haven't had the "oppourtunity" to remove me. sounds a bit paranoid, yes, but you never know man.