Baby cat is sick. He caught an upper respiratory infection from his new friend Stewart last week. It started out with sneezing and goopy eyes. He's had a fever since Thursday and didn't touch a bite of food all weekend. He sat all day and all night in the same spot and vommed on Sunday. The vet said he isn't dehydrated but she still pumped water into his back. He looked like a little tuxedoed camel. Last night we buckled down to force feed him some wet food through a big syringe. Our first attempt was botched because we were still in the mindset that we needed to do it as fast as possible like we do with his medicine. Unfortunately that resulted in a tubeful of gross cat food all over Baby cat and us. We slowed down and were able to get some into him, but certainly not the can and a half recommended by the vet. I tried to get him to go back to sleep on the bed but he jumped off and slunk into the closet. Later I woke up to a tiny mew and he was back to his old habit of singing for his share of the covers. But he still seems a long way from full recovery.
Stewie devil child / Sick egg on a shelf