so spao was generous enough to edit this picture so that it looks like donghae and hyoyeon are posing together.
Sometimes, Donghae feels like holding her. Not her bags, not her laundry, but her specifically. It’s her fault that he feels like wanting to fix this urge in certain situations, like when he sees her wrapping blankets around herself. He feels inclined to go up and wrap his arms around her when she’s like this, and kissing her red nose. It’s the only place the blanket isn’t covering.
Sometimes, she won’t even have to be sick, like when she walks off the stage. He’ll see her smile shut off and her fingers taking down her “interesting” hairstyle. That too is also when he puts his own hands on her hair and smooths it down until her shoulders are a blocking force at the end.
Sometimes, it’s after they fight. Funny how she still can’t believe that they hold hands and laugh before their lips touch and how they’re the majority of each other’s texts. Funny how he can never explain that all of the following is what people call a relationship and how he leaves out that they shouldn’t be having one. And yes, she is the only girl giving him cold sores and teeth indents on his neck. But words never end up fixing everything, just him moving in closer and forcing her to loosen the arms she’s holding in front of her chest.
Sometimes, it’s for his benefit. He’ll whisper her name in her ear at night, waiting her to tremble. But she keeps snoring, and her dream about some better-looking guy keeps continuing. He doesn’t feel like shaking her out of it, so he just swings his arm over her and listens to her breathe.