On the bandwagon...

Sep 26, 2006 09:52

Well, I thought it was about time to start an LJ account, since all I'm doing these days is reading friends' blogs whilst pondering the direction of my life and wondering if I'm on the right track. It seems that quite a few members of my wonderfully rich Michigan family are LJ users, so I thought this might be a good way to keep in touch with everyone and get feedback on the aforementioned ponderings and dilemmas.

Most pressing these days is that I decided to leave my job within 3 days of returning from festival. I was more than a little unsure of whether the job was a good fit for me from day #1, but I decided to "give it the old college try," as my mom always says. Well, 5 months and three fantastic weeks spent in the woods later, it all hit me like a ton of bricks and I knew that I needed to get out of there. So I talked to my boss, who was nothing less than caring and supportive, gave my official letter of resignation and am now counting the days till my last day, which is October 6. I don't have a lot to do here these days, since most of the projects that I had been working on before festival are complete and I guess there isn't much point in starting something big now, so I'm just kind of...hanging out. The upside of this is that I have a ton of time to surf the internet, brainstorm (read: angst) about my future and ummm...blog, but the downside is that for me, inactivity breeds depression and now that i've made this big decision, I just want to get started on the next phase of my life already! And then, of course, there's the part where my commute takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour-and-a-half, so I have this huge resentment that I spend so many hours sitting in DC traffic to sit at this desk and email. I'm practically a homicidal maniac by the time I get home each night, but it's paying the bills for right now, so I guess I can't complain too much.

So what's my plan? Well, I'm trying not plan too much, in order to leave myself wide open for whatever comes my way. I took this job because it was a career-maker, but I'm finding that there's way more to success than something that looks good on a resume--I feel like I've spent years climbing this proverbial ladder of success and now that I'm nearing the top, I've realized that I'm on the wrong ladder. Non-profit management (and this position, in particular) is definitely someone's dream, but it's not mine.

Eventually, I plan to find a way to harness my passions for sexuality and all things perverted and turn it into a career, but I haven't figured out how to do that just yet. So for now, I'm networking with friends and acquaintances, finding people who are doing something that interests me and asking them if they need part-time help. I can always fall back on temping for an agency or waitressing, but for now, I'm trying to piece together a steady paycheck with a bunch of smaller jobs. The only thing I have lined up for sure right now is a part-time landscaping gig with a friend of mine. I'm actually pretty psyched about that one, since fall is positively beautiful down here and my muscles have almost completely deflated, so I'm looking forward to the inevitable pain associated with building them back up again. It's the pain of a hard day's work and I can't wait. Of course, if anybody has any specific ideas or thinks they know the perfect job for me, suggestions are always welcome.

For now, I still have to:
1. Finish updating my resume and send to prospective part-time employer
2. Figure out the COBRA thing
3. Schedule a dentist appointment and pray to god and all that's holy that the gum erosion from my tongue piercing is only minor and isn't going to require a periodontist
4. Change to a cheaper cell phone plan
5. Try to rent out guest room to defray cost of living
6. Schedule my exit interview

Here I go....
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