
Jun 21, 2006 09:14

Hmmmm....where to start. Well, it's five in the morning and I'm writing in my livejournal. I am one strange, strange child. At least my nickname isn't Pebbles...and don't you say a thing Jamie Kate Taylor. I'm carrying your child. And it's gonna be a girl and it's gonna be named Ryan Michelle Martin-Taylor come Hell or high water dammit.:P Nah, my friend Sam spent the night; we watched movies the entire time and drank lots o' caffeine (I'm a caffeine fiend). Oh and we talked in Irish accents; much fun! I went shopping Monday as well, I was gonna say yesterday but yea...I got a pair of HIM fingertipless gloves that kick ass, a black and white striped scarf (even though it's summer here), a necklace, and some pins. Oh and food. Lots o' food. Good times. Though my parents weren't too happy about it because it was with a "friend with a bad reputation." Pssht...every teenager should have a friend like that just to annoy or anger their parents; it's part of growin' up really. Speaking of which...I TAKE MY ROAD TEST ON FRIDAY! so exciting!! *bounces off the walls* I should stop that before I injure someone or myself. Oh but yes earlier today Sam, Amanda and myself painted signs for our group (called T.A.G.) go us! We've been trying to get together for a week and a half to get the damn things painted and we finally have! So glad. But I must go now because it's five thirty in the morning and I'm starting to become worn out. So...umm...bye for now? I guess...

This will be me and Jamie in five years:

...Except we'll be in this position. :D Ya know I love ya Jamie! :D :P

Can you guess who's who?
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