SO GUYS GUESS WHAT?????? I'm a coke head now!!!!!!
Well this is according to a "reliable" source...oh it wasn't!
So I'm sure everyone's heard the story by now, and if you haven't, then here goes.
So there was this one time that my best friend, HEATHER and I decided to take a BITCH (aka NICOLE) on a roadtrip to see her perfect little
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DONT EVER TELL ME TO GROW THE FUCK UP maybe you can come to me when you've had 4 jobs and cleaned houses just to put food in your stomach payed rent and a car payment and lived by yourself...
what do u have a job for? to buy yourself cute little things??is daddy still buying your food and have no clue about me or how mature i am and I AM A HELL OF ALOT MORE MATURE THEN YOU WILL EVER BE...
by the by you may not have known this while you were thinking you knew everything...but i didnt even write this read the name before you blame the person...
and no this was not imature..imature is when you post comments ont hings that have not a god damn thing to do with you....and then argue when u dont know SHIT
so how about this..end it here...while your not ahead..
dont give me advice I know what i need to know and how to get by in the world which u still have a long way to figure out "little girl"
and i dont exactly consider a 16 year old telling me im imature reasonable proof....go back to the mall and buy yourself somemore hell kitty stuff...with the money you "slave" over with your poor helpless little life...
ill handle mine yo handle yours...i dont expect a comment back to this sence there's nothing left to be said. period end of discussion
GROW THE FUCK UP. you dont know shit about me or what i have gone through in the past year. shut your fucking mouth, yes thats a threat.
this coming from a girl who trys to act liek a hardass and then when emily is getting jumped u stand and watch
your seriously the dumbest bitch...i thought it was nicole but i have a new word for you
oh, calling me skin & bones.. doesn't offend me in one bit, thanks bulldog. and if you touch me, things will only get worse for you in your OH SO HARD life.
the end.
NO ONE should put my name in their mouths, i came at this mature and stated how immature this whole thing was and heather got offended. now now emily if someone had said the thing heather said to YOU, then just think of how "ridicuous" you would get. right. i don't need to prove anything to anyone, every reply i made was simple and basiclly stating, don't talk about me. my life has been awesome without any of you as my friends, and i'd like to keep it that way.
oh, and the part where you got your ass beat for defending me? carissa got attitude with you and you gave it back.. not in my defense.. but yours. yes the reason she gave you attitude was because you were my friend. dont put that on me, not my fault.
news flash...we were the ones who ditched your ass...did i call u to hang called me and did i call u back...UMMM NO...BC YOUR AN IDIOT AND I KNOW THIS so shut the fuck up get a life,a tan, and a cheeseburger or 5 and then stop gettin on the computer every five seconds....
alright im done im not replying to any more of your bulllshit so type away at leats it will keep u amused...dumbass
call me we'll hang otu sometime I MISS U, we'll have a slumber party or something and shit talk on everyone...
"."---that . was from emily
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