Aug 16, 2005 07:33
School is boring. But hey, what do you expect? Physics is not bad. Ms. Hoodin is a nice lady. I don't mind it so far. Government is going to be boring........I can tell already. Thiele is an annoying old guy. At least Mark and Jason are in that class. Geology was promising, with Kendra, Justin, Ray J, and Mark in the class but it has been one of my worst classes. Ms. Nolan is the slowest and most boring teacher ever. It's gonna be a long year in there. Next is fourth hour. Ms Williams seems pretty nice and it'll be a very easy class. Brian sits next to me too. Finally is Calculus. My teacher Ms Slavidge is alright. Math is math though. We haven't started learning Calc yet it''ll get better and harder.
Otherwise, today is Justin's birthday. Kendra's birthday is in 9 days. I still have to get her something.