Doctor Who Meme Day 6

Oct 11, 2010 15:50

Day 6: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

Let's talk a bit about Girl in the Fireplace.

Was I the only one who went away from that episode horribly confused? In the midst of that hype the Doctor had with Reinette, I found myself defending him because of the threat looming over her. He wouldn't just leave anyone if he could possibly fix the problem. But it was a bit more than that. So while trying to understand what he was doing, at the same time I kept wondering why things went as far as they did.

I should just go ahead and have a rewatch to see if I can figure this out, but I haven't gotten around to it. And, in a way, I don't want to. Far be it from me to hate the episode. I don't. Not like, for a time, I seriously loathed Human Nature/The Family of Blood (shipper hate is a powerful thing lol). Maybe it was an avoidance tactic, because we all know how the Doctor has the tendency to run from things. I'm really curious to see what anyone else has to say about this.

In the spirit of Halloween, here is a scary GIF.

Ok, more funny than scary, but whatever. XD

doctor who, meta, memes

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