Feb 08, 2004 20:52
Okay I'm gonna rant. Ready....set...go! Guess what's been pissing me off a huge amount recently? Fucking Catholics and anyone else who's a big enough ass to go out to Boston and protest gay marriage. But that's what we've come to expect from the church, no?
I'd also like to issue an extra special fuck you to all the politicians who don't have the balls to stand up to these people, assuming they they aren't homophobic or Catholic too. And yet another fuck you to anybody who thinks civil unions are a good idea. Civil unions are the Jim Crow laws of the 21'st century. Separate but equal my ass. I read an interview with a state senator today that went something like this.
Reporter: Will civil unions have all the same legal benefits as marriage?
Sleazy Asshole: Yes
Reporter: Will they have the same tax benefits?
Sleazy Asshole: Yes
Reporter: Will they be able to adopt children just like a hetero-sexual couple?
Sleazy Asshole: Yes
So take a second to process this information. All but the most extreme of these assholes are willing to grant civil unions to gay couples that are nearly identical to heterosexual marriages. I've done some research and the propositions for Massachusetts civil unions vary from marriage in the following ways
1 They can't be held in a church or ordained by a minister
2 Its not called marriage
What's the point of all of this? It is apparent to me that the church and a great deal of the american public have heavily invested themselves in protecting the word marriage. They aren't too concerned if these people are in love and want to make a lifetime commitment to eachother. They don't realy care so much if they receive tax cuts, can write up a will, or raise a child. But god fuckin' forbid if they use out word. Because no faggot is gonna desecrate OUR word with all of their good hair and butt sex.
But this brings up another point. If civil unions and marriage are basically the same thing then why shouldn't the Gay community simply take advantage of this opportunity? Because its still homophobic in nature. These people want to create a special type of marriage just for homosexuals. I don't know about anybody else but to me this seems to be the same concept used to segregate society in the past century. "Well how about we just put all of the blacks in a differant school. Of course it'll be equal. It'll be just like the white childrens school...."
Sure civil unions aren't quite on that level but they come from the same mentality and thus should be considered a bitch slap to the face of the Gay community by people who are desperately missing the point.
Let me offer this one last analogy. Imagine if you will, that there are a group of people that say....have really long fingernails. Once again imagine that 2000 years ago Jesus was reputed to have said something along the lines of "People with really long fingernails creep me out" and thus they have been shunned by mainstream society ever since. Now if you're imagination isn't to tired try this. Lets say that this community has suddenly realized that hey our religion is strangly similar to Christianity. In fact its the exact same thing. So they go out and attempt to join the a church. Well naturally they get rejected by everybody except the Unitarians. But everybody knows that Unitarianism isn't a real religion so that didn't work out so well. But they're persistent and keep bugging people and the Pope finally says to them "you can't join our church but here, you can start your own religion and call it "Jesus-ism""
Just think about that and if it doesn't seem silly to you then I give up.