(no subject)

Nov 17, 2004 22:59

So today I cashed a paycheck and decided to indulge myself in some CD purchases along with picking out something for my sister for her birthday. I ended up making a Bullmoose run and picking up the new Jimmy Eat World along with Straylight Run which i should have bought a month ago anyways. So picture this if you will. I'm in my car, a pimpin mini van, rocking out to the mellow piano rock stylings of Straylight and decide to check out the Jimmy but when I try to trade CD's the car decides its not quite done with the CD and won't give it back. I had no idea that could happen. How often does a CD player eat a CD? Totally new to me and kinda aggravating. I dig that CD too.

I also gave blood today and became a sticker whore. I would say it was sweet but in reality I'm not sure if I have any feelings on the subject. Yay ambivilance. Actually I was talking to Phil during the blood drive and we decided that the perfect drug would be one that induces complete short term memory loss while getting you high as fuck. You could be a complete addict and have no idea. Just take some pass out wake up and still be thinking hey what's that shit i keep hearing about. I have to check that out. Whoever invents that will be rich. Oh and a certain other kid smells like piss and cigarette. It kind of made me want to throw up. Sweet. At least I can confidently say that I have never traded sex with men for intravenous bovine insuline and narcotics in the back alley of a third world African nation since 1977. Unless of course I happen to be hooked on the afformentioned drug. But somehow I doubt that so thank goodness for the small miracles in life.

Also I think it is important to mention that Phil got uterly bitch slapped by Kunal and it may have been that saddest thing I've seen in quite some time. Also Phil is going to date my sister. That is all.
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