okay hailey i really dont like wrting in these things but i guess i will do it for and bc i am trying to avoid doing this essay for DUGAN ((GOD)) but mostly for u!!... o yea HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! your are finaly 17 ,only one more year and you can buy PORN !!YAY!! UHmazing! yea so i just wanted to tell u that your pretty cool and i love u . lol. and im SRY i couldnt take u out to breakfast i will make it up to u ( u know it) o yea .. so yea in a weird mood. kinda like a happy, chill, blah, cool mood! its a first for me and i like it. I LIKE IT ALOT!! WICKED fun amazingggg times we have way to many for me to mention know butu know what im taklin about its all in the MEMORAYYY! still have this song stuck in my head so i am goin to sing it\ type it for u. k here it goes! IN THE MIDDLE OF A GUN FIGHT IN THE CENTER OF A RESTERAUNT THEY SAY COME WITH YOUR ARMS RAISED HIGH . THERE NEVER GONNA GET ME . LIKE A BULLET IN A SOMETHING(DONT REALLY KNOW THAT PART) IN THIS FIGHT TO SAVE YOUR FAITH. yea so im done with that.. lets see what else?!famous words from u.. douche, loser, fuck u, heyy, no, really?, o yea whats that circle on my paper ( haha gets me every time) famous words from me: noodle, fuck u(look we have one in common), im superwoman, and FUCKKKK YOU! and IDK! ooo wait GOD( we both use that ALOT) yea soo theres my little w\e from me to your... have fun with it i love you and tty soon! bye noodle
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