another installment of "amy - the loveable."

Sep 24, 2006 06:11

i'm not finding updates on this thing that great anymore. i never thought they were superb, but they were rarely less than crappish.
alright. so. it's 6:12 am. i just came home from work. i made $25 on tips. that's amazing for a hostess, honestly. we don't get tipped. i had a table of 11 who absolutely loved me. everytime i would walk near them, they would yell my name and they clapped when i brought them something. high school kids are easily amused, but they sought out my manager and told them i was doing all of wendy's work. cassie was busting her ass today, jenn was incredibly sick and wendy was insanely tired.
i worked 7 and a half hours with no break. i'm pretty sure that's illegal, but that's another $3 in my pocket, son.
april's birthday was unacceptable. grandma's holding on, but is in so much pain. everyone was too emotional on a day that was supposed to be happy. i bought her casablanca and while you were sleeping. unfortunately, nothing consoled her today. maybe i'll take her out to buffy's. she'd like that.
tom's leaving sometime today. lorraine's coming up sometime tonight. it's so great seeing them. april really clicks with tom, and i with lorraine. april and tom dig the same movies and music. lorraine and i are dorks.
lee and i finally saw little miss sunshine. it was nice to get out, especially with him. he took me out to denny's afterwards. jenn sat down and wouldn't stop chatting, haha. she charged us for less than half of the stuff we ordered, because she rocks my world.
lee asked how my grandmother was, and i almost began crying. at least i'm not numb anymore, but it's one of the worst feelings in the world.
it is now 6:29 am, and i only need to stay awake for another half hour until i go to my other job. anticipating naps = sleepy excitement.
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