Feb 22, 2006 16:34
not to sound like a douche bag, but i really feel like just crawling under a rock right now. my brain has been totally scrambled from this weekend and now its not getting any better. i seriously am completely fed up with my life. i'm going to sit outside on the front step and think. i wish it was summer, i wish i could rewind two years and start the fuck over.
i am fed up with 99% of my friends on cape cod. i feel isolated because you're isolating me, and i feel isolated because i don't want to be around the hole you are digging. when i first started becoming friends with kids in chatham, i was leaving a drug scene. i was refreshed with the fact that we could have fun without snorting something, smoking weed, getting drunk, or doing acid. now look at us. it's fucking pathetic. you're ruining friendships, we've all said it behind the backs of those involved. even then ones involved have said it. do something. don't participate. i'm sick of swimming upstream with everyone, everything we stood for is sinking. i'm done.
i'm going to lock myself in my room until you act more reasonable. as much as i'd like to think that will solve the problem, i know you can go on doing everything without me. i don't belong with the cliques. i'm sick of feeling like people only want me around when it's convenient for them, don't be a dick to me. i'm a fucking human being.
and don't call yourself a friend, unless you intend to act like one.
i am fed up.