I'm so glad that this week is over!
It really was an upsetting week.
First I was really anguished because my contract was supposed to finish at the end of the month. So I thought I had to look for another job.
But after another appointment they informed me they had the opportunity to keep me a little bit longer. So my contract will not end before the end of august. They also said that if they have a possibility they will be pleased to keep me for good. So I keep my finger crossed^^
I also received Rob Dougan's CD!!
It took me so long to get it!
Well I mean... I first started to look for it in France... of course I was a little bit optimistic...
So I finally ordered it abroad...
I also received the PW4-A card from SPN season 3 set
(Sam - Borrowed time puzzle card) Yeeeeeeeeeessss!!!
And about the end of the week...
Supernatural of course! I've been waiting for this episode like a crazy fangirl.
Well, I am a crazy fangirl but really I was thinking about it like every minute! WTF??
I'm not really good at writing reviews so I will just say that it was a really good episode.
But... Yes there is a but... for a season finale I must say that I am a little bit disappointed.
I was expecting for a little more. Anyway it was still a good episode.
Now, how the hell am I suppose to live without Sam and Dean this summer?? Arrrrgggg!!
I want the season 5 right NOW!!!
This week-end ? I think I'll stay home...
Watching movies, playing guitar, just... relax a little...