neww ce||u|ar

Mar 28, 2005 21:08

today woke up aht 7:40 and got ready for scool.dude iht was raining? iht sucked.1st eriod did thid wierd thing with my pictures for mrs.lindinmeyer.2nd period poloties or however u spel iht!!! iht sucked asssssss!! mrs spicer is such a dumb bitch! 3rd went over some gay stuff in mr scarcellos class..he was being rlly nice today! for once! then had 4th where i gave her my home work and she asked about there people..austin caleb and sam! haha.i had 2 tell her everything i kno ;[! but i didnt ;]! sneeky.then had lunch where lexi and michelle were fighting 2 see who could buy my lunch. thats also a first.kuz i had a blueberry muffin from dunkin gonads[donuts] and they wanted lexi bouught my lunch aand i ended up giving every 1 some of my muffin..arent i such a cutiie! |O|.then 5th period me and rachael fell asleep.then 6th i had 2 do some gay map.when i got on the bus the engine blew!! so we had 2 go on a diff bus.i shared a seat with micylanne and lauren! those lezbos! i love them so fuckin muchhhh! ahh..then i got home and kelsey is in a fight with michelle and kristen so i had 2 try 2 sort that out! then me and kelsey made dinner for her younger siblings kuz her mom was gone and her step dad was sick! iht was funnn.then my mom got home and i went and got a new pimperish ce||u|ar! then drove around for a half an hour looking for my moms ce|| place! we didnt find iht ;[ |O|.then we went to costco then home.then i did my kewl homework. then i took a shower and washed my face and that shiot! now im writing mom fell asleep watching napoleon dynamite lyk ryte when iht started kuz she was soo tired so we are bout 2 watch iht. but i think that my new sn should be cute so im takin off lenardo x17..sorry. now answer my poll!!

My sn Poll..
tell me witch sn u lyk best!

1.hawaiian HaiL x3
2.hawaiian babi xo
3.hawaiian girl 17
4.hawaii loverr 17x

If u have 1 to add let me no!!thxz much lOve
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