awsome dayy dude

Mar 07, 2005 11:16

umm yOo today was soo cool..
i spent tha whole day in pass kuz i had 2 wait fot mrs.bryant to look aht me for dress code. then i missed tha fuckin bus kuz tha dumbass lady wouldnt let me on. then i come home and lyk ya i go 2 sabins with patricks sabin som kid kelsey jacob and ant man. we lyk jumped on tha trampoline and played b-ball. then we all went to tha baseball game except for sabin and that 1 kid. they won 10-1 but som 1 stole my lyk 13 dollars?? wow they are soo kewl? not. dude every 1 is oon that team.. jacob alesi max sam ant man zane bryan blower[cory] ryan and like soo many moree.. and yeah then came home and did my homework and then i talked on tha fone with patricia and then sam.gettin reay 2 go take a shower and shit then crashhhhh....

lov ya randy..

-hay [kelsey's nick name]
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