Kim's surprise party went off pretty good! Mostly everybody came and according to her she had no idea, which was a treat to everybody because we all thought she knew.
I spent the whole night sitting basically in the same spot but I did have fun.
Yesterday I went downtown with Mandy and Andrea. We tried on dresses (Andrea had to find one for grad!)
I went to the store, it's pretty cool. I saw John for the first time since December. Well, I saw a few people for the first time since December! Matt is still really nice to me so that makes me feel good!
We went to Sam Chaulk's birthday party which turned out as I expected.
It was like a fucking living musical. It was weiiiird!
Mandy, Shawn, Matthew, Katelyn, Nicole
Shawn's sweet hiding place
Sarah, Meghan and Katelyn
Matthew, Christina
Hahaha She doesn't look too surprised.
Jono, Dan, Sam
Heather, Kate, Shawn and I
(gotta love major red eye)
Ang, Kim, Michelle
We got our costumes for the play.
We had to undress in front of the other widows/teachers. It wasn't weird though.
Today we have rehearsal and I don't know if we have to do a full run with our costumes on or not.
It is sad because the date of the play is not on my birthday anymore. :( Whatevs.
I can not wait for this week to end.
I am going to love my party (hopefully.) Mocktail, dresses and cute boys all around!!