(no subject)

Jan 04, 2008 03:59

Sex on rooftops. Heroin injected under the tongue because most of the veins collapsed. Groupies passed around like joints. Dance to death.

That was my life. Once upon a time. Some thirty-odd years ago, from what I've been told. It was hard for me to believe that lady cop when she told me it was 2007. She had proof, in a sense. There was no way her ID was fake. Then again, neither is mine. Besides, it was 1984 last I checked.

So it was again when I walked through Heather's door. Oh yeah, I was home again. It was all a delusion, I told myself. The monsters were gone; rather, they never existed in the first place. Because it wasn't real. In a way I didn't want it to just be an incredibly lucid dream... I mean, I'd grown quite fond of some of the people I'd met. Then again, I could've done without the critters and assorted spooky shit.

And I did. For a while. I had my life back, even ran into my old friend Jack (who'd finally deigned to come stateside). Must not have been meant to be, though. I mean, seeing as how I'm back and all. Just as inexplicably as the way I left, even.

Guess the old saying's true. Can't go home again.

I suppose this makes this hellhole my home now. God, what a depressing thought. I think I'll go raid the old man's liquor cabinet now. Fuck, man, he owes me. Pure grain's just what I need right about now.
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