Friday: Awesomely Awful Judder, for no reasons that could be helped. Most of my bestest friends weren't there, and those that were disappeared halfway through the night leaving me standing outside the club panicking and wondering where everyone had gone. Span out a right fucking treat and spent a few hours in jess' lap crying like a pathetic baby. Walked home, was locked out, tried to set up caravan, dramatastic. Ended up with panic attack and running to hatherly about 5am. However had fun hiding from skeery metallers with
daisychainsaw_ shikenkan_ko and matching friend earlier in the night though, cheers guys :-p
Saturday: Birmingham. Went to
dj_fusiontommi new goth night at the Barfly. Have noticed that these brummies REALLY REALLY REALLY do love their VNV. Am amused by these trends. Was too sober, went home.
Sunday: Slept a lot. Went to
faerieevenstar and
scratchmeharder house and had a TRAPDOOR MARATHON ^_^
Today: Thought a lot. Came home to cheltenham.