Dec 13, 2005 17:26
60 questions...
Repost this but tell the truth.
What have you done... BE TRUTHFUL!
1. smoked a cigarette - no
2. smoked a cigar - no
3. crashed a friends car - no
4. stolen a car - not officially. i moved laris car once. that was fun
5. been in love - yeah
6. been dumped - almost all of em
7. had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? i think so
8. been fired - nope
9. been in a fist fight - yeah, i won tho
10. snuck out of your house? yeah and i snuck out a friend too. that was fun
11. taken shots of alcohol - im allergic!
12. been arrested - no
13. made out with a stranger - no
14. gone on a blind date - no
15. lied to a friend - sadly
16. had a crush on a teacher - no
18. seen someone die - dont think so. seen animals tho
19. been on a plane - all the time
20. danced in a bar - no
22. miss someone right now - yeah
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - COURSE!
24. made a snow angel - whenever it snows. course you can never get them perfect cuz if youre by yourself you cant get up and not leave feet marks
25. played dress up - not that i remember, well there was that one time w/ the addie dress. :P
26. cheated while playing a game - sadly all the time
27. been lonely - more than i should
28. fallen asleep at work/school - not physically but mentally all the time
29. used a fake ID - no
30. felt an earthquake - yep
31. touched a snake - i got to let one go back into the wild. that was awesome!
32. ran a red light - not me but ive been w/ ppl that have
33. had detention - yeah
34. been in a car accident - 2, not major tho
35. hated the way you look - couse
37. been lost - NEVER i am a MALE!! and us men are NEVER EVER LOST!!!
38. been to the opposite side of the country? all the time
39. felt like dying - yeah more than i shouldve also
40. cried yourself to sleep - men dont cry
41. played cops and robbers - yeah
42. karaoke - yea, but not to good
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't? yeah WAY too many times
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? coke, sprite, milk, egg cream, water (more than once)...shall i continue?
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - what else is snow for??
46. kissed in the rain - heehee yeah :D
47. sang in the shower - thats why i have a radio in my bathroom.
48. made love in a park - made out yes, but not love
49. had a dream that you married someone - im sure i have.
50. glued your hand to something - does my other hand count?
51. Had sex within the last 2 weeks? no
52. worn the opposite sex's clothes - ADDIE DRESS!!
53. Been a cheerleader - eww preps!
54. sat on a roof top - so much fun!
55. talked on the phone all night - TWICE!!!
56. ever too scared to watch a scary movie alone - ive seen 2 scary movies in my whole life. so i really wouldnt know
57. played chicken - ????
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - not that i can remember.
59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - not total
60. broken a bone - 2
hope you had fun!