RIP Meg's iPod

Oct 22, 2004 01:10

We regret to inform you that Meg's iPod (b. February 2001) passed away this evening following a battle with Sad iPod Icon Syndrome* (a disease in which the hard drive is ravaged and can be saved only by a complete hard drive transplant.)
Meg's iPod was a devoted fan of Disney music and Jimmy Buffett and served on two daring cross-country round-trip flights as well as a one-way cross-country road trip, in addition to innumerable shorter road trips and the newborn infant stage in which headphones were invaluable.
Meg's iPod is survived by its life partner, iTunes, and 1,077 MP3's. A memorial service was held at the Clarke residence. Meg's iPod will lie in state on the entertainment center until a suitable final resting place is found.

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