Oct 18, 2012 05:06
Got a residency with
[sorry, it's secret]!
Four months to plan it...
Their list of people to call
Is fucking immense!
Some names put out there:
[mutual friends], ["they'd do it?"]
and ["you know that guy!?"].
Might have one more too
That I'd be splitting with Scott,
Since we're both big fans...
If this all goes through,
February just might be
The best month ever!
Leading up will suck.
Planning six shows all at once.
"Goodbye, winter break!"
But that's all after
The whole month of November.
So much shit to do!
All sorts of school stuff.
A few kind of biggish shows.
Tons of flyer work.
Plus the lead in show
For [those guys I won't name] which
Should be real easy.
At least once it's done
I get to meet John Waters,
Which should be surreal.
But till then it's nuts,
And it's making me cranky.
With bad impulses.
I got thanked today
For holding the door open
As I left a store.
This guy just snuck by,
and then he said "thanks" to me.
Standard NYC.
Got this urge to yell
"I was trying to exit,
Not fucking help you!"
I can't explain it.
And wonder what he'd have done
Had I yelled at him?
Also irking me:
LSatC should be
Playing to thousands!
They're such a good band,
And they're all such nice people!
They should get more cred.
And it's 5am.
I should be in bed by now.
God damn sleep cycle.
Why can't you ever make sense!?
Why do you hate me?
Counting syllables
Like they're sheep made of word parts.
Goggles do nothing.