"All my friends are freaks. [It's] the only way to be." Us freaks have more fun.

Aug 18, 2012 02:47

Full band Mischief Brew
I was covered in the sweat
Of one hundred punks.

They played a great set!
I really like the new stuff
But don't know the words.

No one else does though.
I can't wait till the next show,
When everyone does.

Zad was at the door,
Which was the best thing ever!
"Hey! Black Metal Friend!"

The crowd was awesome.
Lots of the "usual kids,"
Plus some new people.

After the load out
We went to grab a few drinks.
Find some noise-free place.

The wander went on...
I fucking hate Williamsburg
And everyone there.

Unless I know them.
It's all friends and coworkers,
or people I hate.

Either I know you,
Or I find the sight of you
To be offensive.

And everything's loud.
There needs to be a bar called
"Quiet and Empty."

Had a few run-ins,
Most of which were pretty cool.
Thankfully, no D.

Best of the Run-ins:
Getting creeped up on by Brett.
He came from thin air.

Brett might be Satan.
You say his name and he's there.
He's a real dad now!

So calling him "dad"
Is a little bit strange now.
We did anyway.

Got home by sunrise.
Fell asleep at around noon.
I'm still exhausted.

I'm not in pain though.
So I guess that's also good?
Or I'm numb again?
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