Jan 17, 2007 17:46
I've been feeling that my livejournal here has had very little actual content recently. I mean, way too much of random complaints and talking about bowling and too little talking about things that are, oh I don't know, interesting to the outside world. Or at least too little creativity and imagination.
I picked up some more guitar books a couple weeks ago and have gotten better at notereading -- one of the ones I'm working on right now is The Entertainer. I've been thinking about writing music. Well, I don't know the first thing about writing music. I don't know the first thing about writing lyrics either. Okay, maybe I know one or two things about writing lyrics, but that doesn't mean I can do it. Verse is difficult. Haiku, haiku I can do, but verse, I'm not so sure.
Anyway, I was thinking, while going downtown last week, that I should write a song. I called it "Viaduct Prayer" in my mind, and the basic idea is a driver or drivers is/are driving the Alaska Way Viaduct through Seattle and are freaking out because they are well aware that should there be an earthquake while they are driving on it, they will surely die. This produces drivers who are going far beyond the speed limit and dangerous driving to avoid the seemingly impending doom.
Recently, and by recently I mean "on this break from school," I have been sent and activated a pair of credit cards. I am really annoyed with the process of activating credit cards because the agents on the phone will not take no for an answer, and well, I'm a pretty nice guy and I don't want to deal with a long drawn out argument about how I don't want their service. I mean, okay, I understand that it is a good idea to watch my credit report and be careful about identity theft. However, it's not like I'm making a whole lot of money to the point where I can just take the $10/month hit every time to keep watching it. Also, my plan is to hardly use these cards, so if there's any activity at all, I should be a little bit suspicious. I really should just hang up the phone once I know that my card is activated.
Or perhaps just hang up the phone and try to charge something and see if the card is working. That way I won't have to deal with them. I mean, I understand it's their job and they're only doing as best as they can, but I really would just prefer not to deal with them.
I'm concerned about internships for this summer because they seem to be pressuring me and other applicants to be significantly sure what field I want to be involved in. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life, and in fact I'm probably going to end up doing the "average person has seven careers" thing, when it comes down to it. I just have too many interests to want to be doing just one thing. Anyway, at this particular moment in time, I'm trying to reconcile my interest in the creative aspect of marketing/advertising/PR with all the stuff that marketing/advertising/PR gets blamed for like the objectification of women, the credit card guys I just talked about a minute or two ago, and other nonsense.
Of course, there's also the problem of "it's not what you know it's who you know," which gives me a problem because I really don't know much of anybody who is what I might consider an "important adult." Which is to say that while my dad worked 42 years in the post office and my mom has done the last 15-plus in a public school lunchroom, my connections are lacking in substance. The self-made road, it would seem, is more or less bunk.
Just a few complaints
at least they're different this time.
Variety: good.