Apr 01, 2007 20:41
In Hmong tradition, there's this (what I find weird) custom where if a boy and a girl are "caught" together (sexual or non-sexual), they are pretty much forced to get married.
So I forgot today was April Fools Day. I am home alone and my older brother, Joe, calls me to tell me to call my mom (who is in Kentucky right now) and play a joke on her. Either tell her I am pregnant or tell her my younger brother, Robin, was caught with a girl and has to marry her. I decided to go with what I thought to be the lesser of the two evils, especially considering I currently do not have a boyfriend and it'd be weird to tell her over the phone. We did it 3-way so they could listen in on the conversation:
Me: "Mom, Khu Yer [my sis-in-law] just called and told me Robin got caught with a girl." Mom: "WHAAAAAAT?"
Me: "They're in Manitowoc discussing it right now."
Mom: "What girl?"
Me: "I don't know! He's always talking to a million of them."
Mom: "How come nobody call me???"
Me: "I would've thought they would have already! Khu Yer just told me now."
Mom: "No, nobody call me!"
Me: "Well, Joe and Khu Yer said...APRIL FOOOOOLS!!!"
Laughter from Joe and Khu Yer.
So then my mom freaks out and says it almost killed her, and I told her it was Joe's idea. So Joe tells her I was going to tell her that or else that I was pregnant. THEN my mom proceeded to say that telling her I was pregnant would have been BETTER and less likely to not kill her. WTF? So I said I'll keep that in mind if I ever do suddenly get pregnant. My mom wasn't too happy. She said she didn't like being scared like that because it's the one thing she fears most right now. So I guess I chose the good one.
Any other fun April Fools tales? Do share. Have a good one!