(no subject)

Jul 21, 2005 12:40

ok so summer has been picking up. i am the new lengerie consultant at rideau la senza, the ladies there are super fun so i think i'll like it. and bluenotes has called me for an interview (a lil late hehe). last weekend was a good time. parents went away so it was just me n ted left (teddy = my dog). friday amy came over and we got hammered and hung out with lucas ireland(whooo??) warren brown (whaaa???), matt (who else. xo) and his wrestling buddie "johnny midnight" twas an eventful evening! saturday i worked and watched princess diaries (need to see the second!) sunday i worked annd went to the firestation where kael and i posed as parks employees and got boys to buy us drinks! monday i nursed a wicked hangover aaaaaand saw the duplex my parents bought and are renting out - beautiful! im so excited for who ever lives there cuz its so puuurrrdy. oooh i found out that i may go to nova scotia for a bit this summer with the rents... just to relax. i would rather go to my cottage but what can ya do
my oldest bro, Evin (who is living in a tiny town called Progresso in the Ukatan province of Mexico) just lived through a HURRICANE! holy balls. it was supposed to be a level 4 (5=worst) so my family was shitting their pants cuz he refused to evacuate. it endeed up being a level 2 and an awesome time according to him.
colin reached australia where he'll be living for the next year. i had a ddream last night that he came home :( i miss him already
today kelsey and i are going to the BEACH! yess! first time this summer(thats sad) im suuuuper stoked!
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