Feb 17, 2007 21:48
Just a 'heads up' post.
I am having imcompatibility issues with Yahoo messenger right now. For some people, I can't see them online but they can see me and just not what I type to them. For others, they can see me and I can see them, but I can't see what *they* type. And for still others, I'm told, they can't see me at all nor can I see them, even when we know we're both online.
If you've tried to talk to me over YIM and I've not responded, or think I've just disappeared off the face of it completely because it appears I've not been on, this is why. If you need me or want to talk and, y'know, want it to actually get through to me, lol, go ahead and mail. I'll try to get what plugins/accessories/etc I need to update and fix my Yahoo.