Jul 05, 2012 15:11
I don't think I've ever put this on my LJ. I have a segment on my blog called "The (Continuing)Adventures of Jack & Jane". It is, essentially, a way for me to tell the things my boyfriend does that annoy me. And...he annoys me a lot. I think it takes true, deep love to annoy someone the way we annoy each other. But, yeah, he's a pain in the ass on a good day. *shrugs*
Cast of Characters:
Jack (Ass): My boyfriend
(Plain) Jane: The very lovely me
Minstrels: My boyfriend's female friends. I have a love/hate relationship with them that is mostly indifference.
Stalkers: What my boyfriend calls my male friends.
Episode 95: Jack & Jane have been crazy busy with work and haven't seen each other for two weeks.
"As Jane looked over the pictures of her (non-boyfriend) boyfriend, she realized she missed him more than she thought. That the separation bothered her because, not only had they not seen each other, but because she missed the closeness they shared.
Then... she thought of the minstrels, and how they bother her and said, 'Fuck this. If he can have fun, so can I. I'm going out!' She slammed her laptop, grabbed her car keys, petting her dogs along the way, and left the house.
Two minutes later, she sat back at the laptop to write: 'Fuck it, it's hot. I'll just be mad...'
- - - - - - - - - - -
Jack sat God knows where knowing how Jane was feeling and he thought to respond.
He cared for her. There was no denying that, at least, not at the moment... 'I'm not that much of a jackass,' he thought. He might have even missed her. Jane was amusing to have around, to say the least.
But...being Jack, he gave a shrug of his shoulders and said, 'Eh, she'll be alright.' "