All over but the crying

May 22, 2005 00:14

And so I've finished my public school career. Good times, mostly. It's strange though. There were lots of times when I couldn't wait to leave school. I didn't like the people, or I was bored, or something. But now that the time has come, I've discovered that I kind of like where I am. It's hard to waltz into a completely unknown entity with nonchalance. When I think about college too long now, it's an odd feeling of terror and jubilation in my stomach. I know I'll "make new friends" and "expand my horizons," but it hurts my heart to leave some people. It's not that I'm worried I'll lose touch- for some, that's simply not an option. It's just the plain fact that when you're not around people, your relationships are bound to change.

But for the most part, I'm happy. I have a lot of really good memories and a lot to look forward to. Just another step forward in life...
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