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So, here you are. You’ve found my journal, somehow, and think I might make a nice friend. At least take a look at this entry first though, ne? There are a few things that really, REALLY set me off, all compiled into this very short list. :D
2) Bring up anything personal in a comment that I or others may not want anyone else to read. If you have something to say to me, e-mail me, or if I know you call me and tell me.
3) Not using cuts for gigantic pictures or memes. No, seriously, this irritates me so much I can't even describe it. Cuts are ♥, so don't let them go to waste!
4) Don't start nothin', it won't be nothin'.
RULES (or guideline of sorts that I would prefer followed lest someone gets their arse handed to them.):
1) Comment once in a while! You don't have to comment twenty times an entry, but I'd kinda like to know that you are still in the land of the living. Ex: "Hello Hannah. This is Satan _____. I'm not dead. Thank you."
2) Make note, by no means do you actually have to agree with me on anything. Feel free to correct me, or express your own opinion, or tell me that I'm wrong. Just, be my friend about it. Don't go, "ZOMG Hannah you skank you don't know what the fuck you're talking about!" but be nice to me about it, or at least, as educated as I'm sure you are.
3) I have a slight tendency to curse (not HUGELY, but enough to offend a great deal of people) so if you DO happen to be offended by that or my general dislike of religion, or the fact that I happen to like George Bush, then maybe we wouldn't get along.
4) Don't add me if you just want to make your friends list bigger. I don't appreciate it, and I will know if you do. I want to be friends, not a mark on your profile page.
5) Feel free to start up conversations with me, I like to reply to all of my comments, so make note, I will read them if you comment. Even if I have no idea of what you're talking about, I'll be more than happy to learn.
6) It would be nice if you had SOMETHING in common with me. It doesn't have to be everything, just, something, at least.
Feel free to ask me for my AIM if you wanna talk. :D
My mood theme was made by
sashimi. :D