I...never got around to signing up for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, one of the things I'd verbally planned on doing while living at home after "the Japan time." The deadline was September 25th. I knew what the deadline was somewhere inside me, and I never got around to looking up what I needed to do officially to begin and complete the application process. I just looked it up for sure on Saturday night. How lazy and lacksadasical is that? I'll tell you another thing, too: I never got around to cracking one book to study for the JLPT. Over the last month or so, I've gathered most of my old unwritten kanji workbooks from Hatakeyama-sensei and purchased textbooks and study guides and put them neatly in the bottom right drawer of my desk in my room...but they've yet to see the light of day for more than five minutes. I feel bad for not following through, and that's mostly because I'll have to wait until next September to apply for the December test. If for some reaso I'm visiting Japan next July, I'd have a chance to take Level 1 or 2 there, but that doesn't seem very likely right now. I am not a dilligent student. It's hard to work on weak points. I guess this means that I really didn't care to take the test this year.
I kind of realized that when I found it difficult to care about moulding myself for a career as a localization writer. It's still a dream, but it seems like too much work for me to care too much about strengthening those weak points (*cough, cough*writing and reading *cough, cough*) in order to appear a worthy potential candidate. And, you know, if I really want to be focused on my intermediate- to advanced- Japanese studies, I can always take some Japanese classes. Classes where I walk on campus and sit in a desk with other learners and listen to our professor. That's the best way for me to start to care about this stuff. I'll have to look up how many study hours the many levels of the JLPT equate to. Gotta get to goal setting in the worst way.
Oh! Here's how a goal should be determined, according to Dave Ramsey and whomever he borrowed these from:
- Goals need to be specific.
- Goals need to be measurable.
- Goals need to be your goals. Otherwise there's no joy, creativity or passion in them. ..they just won't work for you. Your goal should make you smile when you think of it.
- Goals need to have a time limit. (ex. "...in three months."/"...by December of this year."
- Goals need to be in writing. Break it down; what do you need to do and when in order to meet your planned deadline.
It's best to share goals with someone who'll encourage you--someone who's a winner, by gosh. Don't bother telling a negative Nancy another darn thing about your goal if they scoff at you. Slap them to the curb, sharing wise!
Okay, I'm totally finished with this and off to bed like a good girl.
Night night!