Hi ! Today i want to share the translation from Arashi Japonism -Arena- MC talk. I did buy it a long time ago but doesn't have time to watch it. Now after watch it i decided to make the translation for the MC talk because there are so many fans out there that want that doesn't understand japanese but want to know about what they're talking about. For the translation i'm doing retranslation from chinese language. I buy the dvd in Taiwan so they got chinese sub on it. I did study chinese language about 2 years and i can understand a little bit of japanese language (for japanese, i can hear and speak a little bit but can't write or read it), so i combine my languages knowledge to do the translation. I don't think this translation will be 100% right but i hope u can enjoy it. If u think there are some mistakes just let me know. Thx :)
櫻: Yeah !
和: Yo
櫻: Yeah !
和: Yo
櫻: Yeah ! Yeah ! Yeah !
櫻: Everyone at Yokohama arena, hello we’re arashi
葉,潤,和,智,櫻: Yoroshiku onegaishimasu
潤: All tickets are sold out, thx to everyone
葉: Thx very much!
櫻: The seats are full
潤: Really full, there are people that standing and don’t get the seat
櫻: There are people standing that’s just right
潤: We’re here standing too so cheer on
櫻: We also doing concert in such a stance
和: That’s right
櫻: Well, let's have the same mood, how do you think Matsumoto-san?
潤: Yes
櫻: Finally the final scene
潤: Yeah, finally
櫻: Even if it is not counted from ARENA, how? Almost 10 months?
潤: It is not? Start counting from JAPO
櫻: Speaking of JAPONISM, ARENA is a long journey, right?
潤: It started in April, and after April, after the beginning of May, it was separated by 2 months.
櫻: At 2 months distance the memories already passed.
和: It’s the same with a new work, right?
櫻: Also it's because everyone's support has successfully made us to this final scene. Now it’s MC time, please sit down and rest for a while as the concert will continue after the talk. What do u think about this final scene, Ohno-san?
智: It’s really fast
櫻: Really fast? When the concert was started, Ohno dorama still not broadcast yet, isn’t? The first episode
智: Is it so early?
櫻,智: ehhh?
櫻: The first episode already broadcasted?
葉:Broadcasted in April
和: It’s already broadcast, J is the first episode that week.
櫻: It seems to be the first episode next day.
智: It started when I still doing dorama.
櫻: The shooting already finished?
智: Yes, it’s surprising right? After 2 months, what?
葉: Sorry, no eating on the stage.
潤: Sorry, I didn’t eat anything in the middle of the first and second performance. Pardon my manners.
智: That’s the first time I saw someone who was eating banana on the stage.
櫻: Standing while eating is not good.
櫻,和: You’d better sit down
智: Please pay attention to your manner
潤: Ok, look forward to happy MC talk with everyone
櫻: Please do your best, the concert is still long, he seems lonely.
葉: Banana is really good for you. I can’t tell if it’s Matsumoto or an orangutan.
潤: Wei (shout)
葉: It’s really fit u
櫻: Come back to us will u? The best banana artist. The best banana artist of the year.
櫻: After the two months, do u all have an uneasy feeling?
葉: At that time I feel uneasy, but finally we come to the final scene. I’m already get the songs out of my mind.
和: Ah, I’m understand
葉:You understand?
智: I understand
葉: I think for the last scene, do your best to dance, do your best to forget
櫻: It’s a bit too early to do it all. Just now, the moment before the second performance, I’m immediately confirm again the dance movement.
葉: (Laugh)
櫻: After the first performance, we probably will forget half of it
葉: No, no, no. I am reviewing, in order to draw a perfect ending, by not having a mistake
和: Remember well
葉: Remember well, then forget all. I want to forget everything.
櫻, 智: (laugh)
和: You have something wrong with your mind
櫻, 智, 葉: (laugh)
葉: It’s not that I’m not normal, but I feel great. That’s the final scene feeling.
櫻: That's right.
和: Although it is almost the same as usual, it is more HIGH level. I think that the chance to sing this song at this venue will not be there anymore.
智: Definitely
櫻: Ninomiya’s tap dance is likely can be perform in the future, but is the form like this one is the last?
和: It’s over
潤: Dance it, just continue to dance, will you?
和: Tap dance? I still want to dance better. If you want to dance, you must continue to dance anyway.
櫻: I understand, that’s right.
葉: But today’s dance feel very energetic.
和: I don’t want to take the side dish out of the way. (I think the meaning is he doesn’t want to do something halfheartedly)
葉: (laugh)
櫻: Side dish
和: There are many professional tap dancers
櫻: Yes
和: I have watched the tap dancers performance
櫻: To learn?
和: Yes. After watching, I’m thinking (dancing with wide eyes, high tension)
櫻, 智: (laugh)
櫻: I understand, I understand
和: Do you understand? Anyway, if you want to do tap dance, you want to do it like the professional tap dancer, but Ninomiya is still at this level. (do the tap dance slowly)
櫻: It seems unable to be relax
和: It’s not relax at all, I’m surely to count the number of steps in my head.
櫻: What about professional dance?
和: Professional dance (dancing)
櫻: Only the expression isn’t (laugh)
潤: You can do it isn’t. Now you immediately achieve it.
櫻: (laugh), really boring~
潤: It’s a different song.
和: Is it?
潤: Because the atmosphere is very quiet now, so the dance will be like this
和: Do a tap dance with a little bit fast tempo will have a chance to dance like that
櫻: If now u dance at Dome on that time with your solo song, it’s more suitable
和, 潤: Music
櫻: Dance will become like that
和: Yeah, I’m sure enough that I will continue to develop myself.
智: Now?
葉: (laugh)
和: I want to reach professional level
櫻: I come to that sense as well, when I have to bind together with dome’s performance where I always have a small drum
和: Yes
櫻: Although I can't use the whole set of drums, I have probably practiced for half a year isn’t it?
潤: Is it autumn? Or about the end of the summer?
和: See, the new performance is coming back again.
櫻: Yes, yes, right
葉: These performance until today it’s over
潤: Is it over?
和: It’s over.
葉: One hour before the official performance?
智: I have been training until the last moment, barely on time
葉: Yes, barely on time
和: I also wanted to say who started the firecracker in the green room.
櫻: (laugh)
和: Tantakatan takatantaka (drum sound)
和: Where the sound come from, but it’s stop at that point.
葉: Yes, seems like don’t want to separate with it
櫻: Yes. I want to practice a little more, I want to continue practicing.
智: As a hobby?
櫻: Within the range of hobby. If there are people who practice drums, I am sorry that I may be misunderstood, but I feel like practicing football, pick up the ball on the instep.
和: But the sound is same
櫻: Do you play football? Do you know?
和: (laugh)
櫻: It's very hard. Sometimes there will be drums in the studio, I will knock on totontotontonton.. It feels refreshing, tatata..
和,葉,智: (laugh)
葉: It’s only here
櫻: Yes, I’m really a strict and discipline person.
智: Is it like the feeling of doing side occupation?
櫻: Not sure if it is a side occupation
和,葉: (laugh)
和: I haven’t done that before
智: You repeat the practice?
潤: Have you done any side occupation?
智: (laugh) I have side occupation before
潤: Have you done it?
智: (nodded his head)
櫻: (laugh) just say you have
和: We’re sorry.
葉: Eventually u have such a past
智: Everyone have a past
櫻: I’m also have a lot of past
和: Yes, if there is something that you insist, just continue doing it.
櫻: The next performance, is also the last performance
和,葉,智,潤:That’s right
和: Yeah, we will not be have it again
櫻: About that, I want to ask something
和: Yes
櫻: Matsujun
潤: Yes
和: Not me?
櫻,潤,智: (laugh)
和: I just said yes and it’s not me? Ok, don’t mind
櫻: I’m really sorry
和: Please continue
櫻: Before , do you remember? By depend on lighting, it shows a world without color, remember? Matsujun has been saying it a long time ago, around two years ago isn’t?
潤: I said it 2 or 3 years ago.
櫻: But you can’t do it in Dome. Just in Arena u can do it and have a chance to try it out. At 99.9: Keiji Senmon Bengoshi, on first episode is use that too right?
潤: Yes, it’s a sodium lamp
櫻: Yes, oh? Have you seen it? That super popular dorama, although I’m not play in that dorama
和, 潤: (laugh)
櫻: Didn't you watch?
和: I watch too. The first episode
葉: I’m watching too
櫻: Right?
和: Yes
櫻: I have seen the script and thought that Matsumoto was finally working on the script.
潤: I haven’t. I’m really surprised too
櫻: Is it by chance?
潤: Just to be happen
櫻: I see
潤: Yes, is it after the dorama? One week after dorama we started touring isn’t?
櫻: No, I just talked about this topic.
潤: At April 17th? It should be after that. Because the sodium lamp used in dorama will let people think we’ve got the idea from there, it’s a little bit unsatisfied.
櫻: No one will think so
葉: It doesn't matter.
潤: Well, it’s not really noticeable
和,葉,智,櫻: (laugh)
櫻: It turns out to be coincidence
潤: Yes, it happen to meet my satisfaction
櫻: We can only do that performance in Arena. Everyone, we will enter the second half, please continue to look forward to it.