An explination, and a challenge

Sep 13, 2009 14:47

So, to make a long story short, I have been rejected for the fifth time in three years now. Every time I have offered myself, found someone I thought I would be compatable with, they always find another. There is always someone else who steals them away, and last week was no different.

I had found another dolphin, I wont mention his name for his sake, but I really felt a connection to him. We had a lot in common, a lot of concrete ideals that we both held, and what was big to me this time, I actually said something, to which he responded positively. One of the things people have said in previous potential relationships is if I said something, it might have been different, so I changed that this time and was still denied.

I guess I can't blame him. From what I have been told, she is a good person, kind, caring, and they both have a strong connection to one another. The one thing I don't understand, is why he would choose someone he may only see once or twice in his lifetime, over someone he could go live with permenately in a week. I guess there are some plans on her end to move to New York, but it's for school, and it's not like she will be available anyways. And heck, I'd love to encourage them to work on the areas of life they want to explore. Anyone can help you with that if they try...

And yet, I'm done. It's done. She's said yes, they are mated and while we will remain friends, the sores are still there, and will remain for some time. But, it's pushed me to work on my own little profiles. I've posted a personal ad I've spread around to various dating sites on the bottom of this. If it interests you, please don't hesitate to say something! I would love to meet anyone who is interested.

Now onto a different subject. While this may exclude the guys, I, in no way, will ever exclude a guy if they are interested in me. I'll admit, I do prefer girls, but of the last 5 people I've chosen, only 3 were girls. As per this subject, I am looking for a gal because at some point in time, I'd like a kid. I've already gained a lot of wisdom fro my father and grandfather, and I don't think anyone else would really like to listen to me. :p But, the problem is twofold. One, I don't want to have a child after about 28- 30 ish, because then when they graduate high school, it's like their grandpa is picking them up. And secondly, It's gunna take me years before I ever do that with someone. So, I have this ticking timeclock in my head cause it's not gunna be long before it's gunna be too late, and I wont feel right doing that. I know it's a silly thing to stress about, but I think about these things.

And now, a challenge, as I said in my title. I've looked down through much of my friends list, and for the most part, exaughsted anyone who I have looked at as a partner. So now I run into a bit of a problem. Most people get together because they have known each other for ages. They have been friends through thick and thin, and now they are together, so they have a bond going into a relationship. How would one form such a bond, without the time? Say you have a week to grow and mature some form of a bond between you and your partner, what do you do? Every action has to mean something to them, and you have to leave yourself open to be bonded to as well. Every action has to count, so what do you do? Throw out your ideas and suggestions. I'd love to hear them.

As a disclaimer, I don't give a flying fuck about the minority who tell me to enjoy being single, enjoy being free. If you feel like a slave to your partner, that is your own problem, and I don't want to hear it. If you want to put me down for my preferances, then don't say anything at all. I wont take kindly to those people.

I am a man who can stand up on his own, take initiative, and enjoy what life throws at him. I love to experience new things, and find myself outside of my comfort zone. I'm also a romantic, not afraid to wrap my arms around my girl in public, and give her a peck on her cheek in front of her friends.

I'm looking for someone who is willing to go out and do something new, and then the next day, sit down and simply enjoy each others' company. I hold high values in both having exciting times with a partner, as well as close, intimate times. Yet, one thing that is very important to me, is that my partner initiates things as well. I may enjoy this restaurant, but don't mind in the slightest being dragged to your favorite.

Another thing that is very important to me is communication. Whether this is between friends and family, or between partners, it is essential for a long lasting relationship. I tend to be fairly blunt, and love it when my partner is blunt with me as well.

I'm also a hard worker. From re-building houses with my father, to giving another speech to my peers, helping my grandparents around their farm, to programming a database, I strive to become something someday, and would like a partner who would not only encourage me, but also has dreams of their own that I can help encourage.

Overall, I'm looking for a spunky, energetic guy or gal who takes initiative, isn't afraid to try new things, and looks forward to their own dreams unfolding with the help of a partner. If this sounds like you, let me know!

sore, challenge

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