Big Bang Challenge (part 4)

Nov 24, 2010 01:10

 (little warning, a little, okay, so maybe quite a bit, or a lot NC-17)

“I don’t love him anymore,” came the soft whisper that caused her to open her eyes. “I nearly didn’t even marry him.”

She had heard Amy pause.  She cupped the younger woman’s face in her hands, resting their foreheads together, meeting Amber eyes clouded with hurt and confusion.

“I don’t even know what I feel anymore. I just know I feel safe with you,” Amy paused, laughing at her own words. “You’re the woman who defaces cliff faces, throws herself out of spaceships and makes daleks beg for mercy, but I feel safe with you.”

“I would do anything to keep you safe,” River told her honestly.

Amy nodded, crying herself now. “I know. You always end up saving me. Even the first time I met you.”
“The weeping angels,” River recalled.

Amy nodded again. “I remember how safe I felt when you held on to me. I was counting down to my own death, and yet I still felt safe with you there. That was the night I kissed the Doctor, but I was imagining it was you.” She felt River’s strong arms settle around her waist as the blonde rested her head on Amy’s shoulder, taking everything in.

Amy didn’t love Rory.

Amy gently lifted River’s chin with one hand, kissing away the older woman’s tears. “I’ve never seen you cry.”

“Sorry,” River smiled, wiping away the rest of her tears with the sleeve of her shirt.

“What do we do now?” asked Amy, still unsure, but comforted by River’s presence.

“What do you want to do?” asked River, open and honest. Her heart was hammering in her chest as though testing the soundness of its construction at the mere thought that Amy felt the same towards her as she did towards the younger woman.

Amy suddenly looked hesitant.

River ran a finger across her pale cheek. “Tell me,” she said, smiling gently. “You can tell me anything.”

In answer, Amy lowered her lips to River’s, kissing her softly. “I want this,” she whispered, her eyes closed as she leant her forehead against River’s. “But I’m married, and you’re the Doctor’s wife.”

River gently shook her head in a silent admission, causing her curls to tickle Amy’s cheeks.

“You’re shaking your head,” noted Amy.

“I’m not the Doctor’s wife,” River told her. “I love him for who he is and what he does, but I’m not his wife. I’m just the companion he can’t get rid of.” She watched as what she said sunk in, and Amy looked at her almost in a new light. She was no longer the wild woman destined to be the Doctor’s bride. She was the wild hearted time traveler who couldn’t say no to getting herself into trouble.

Amy brought her hands back up to River’s face, as through checking she was still there, still the same person. “I should have told Rory.” She shook her head. “But I got so caught up in the wedding, I forgot what it meant. I don’t want to be Mrs Rory Williams! There was a time when I did, but that was before everything, before I know what was out there. That’s when I was a Scottish girl in a tiny little English village!” Her tears were flowing down her cheeks, and River gently wiped them away with the sleeve of her shirt, one arm still around Amy’s waist, holding her tight, reminding her she was still there for her. They were silent for a while, River not knowing what to say, and Amy wrestling with her own conscience. Was it cheating if you didn’t love them? She expected to feel guilt at admitting how she felt for River. Admitting that kissing her was enough to set her whole body alight. Admitting that although she had never done anything like this with a woman before, the softness of her skin, the gentle caresses, the understanding…it felt right.

She captured River’s lips in a kiss, feeling the blonde react without hesitation, like she had been waiting for this. As she pulled back, Amy made her decision. “I don’t want to be that girl anymore.”

“Amy are you sure?” River asked, searching the younger woman’s face.

Amy nodded. “I don’t want to pretend with him anymore.” She felt River tug her closer, leaning her head against Amy’s shoulder, sobbing gently. Amy leant back slightly, once more lifting River’s gaze to meet her own. “Why are you crying?”

A smile found its way onto River’s face, seemingly at odds with her tears. “I thought when you married Rory I’d missed my chance,” she whispered.

Confusion marked Amy’s face. “Missed your chance? Why didn’t you say anything before?”

“I’ll do a lot of things that I shouldn’t, but I wouldn’t push anything on you,” said River, her voice still a whisper.

“What if I said you’re not pushing,” said Amy, making sure she met River’s gaze.

It was all the invitation the blonde needed. Her hands slid into Amy’s hair, crushing their lips together. She asked and was quickly granted access to Amy’s mouth, her tongue quickly mapping out the warmth she found there. She felt Amy moan into her mouth as their tongues met, and couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. They finally parted, their breath visible in the cool air.

“Still not pushing,” panted Amy, still unsure of what she was doing, but knowing she didn’t want to stop.

“I’m gonna go and see if I can score me a seat at that top table,” said Jack, suddenly appearing from nowhere, lifting one of the blankets and tossing the remaining two towards them with a smirk. He wrapped his own blanket around his shoulders, wearing it like a cape, before ensuring his most charming smile was set on his face and striding off towards the top table like he owned the place.

“How does he..?” Amy asked, trailing off, not knowing quite what she was asking.

“I have the habit of spilling my deepest darkest secrets when I’m drunk,” River smiled, a slight blush rising on her cheeks. Something which didn’t happen often to the blonde.

Amy’s look softened as she looked at River. Here was possibly the toughest woman in the universe, or the most kick-ass at least, and yet underneath it all, she had the warmest heart. Only last night she had been jealous that Jack had been so close to River, not knowing she could have been even closer all along. She lowered her lips to River’s in a ghost of a kiss. “What secrets are you going to spill tonight?”

River was amazed to see how quickly Amy could move from sobbing to teasing, but wasn’t about to waste it. She slid backward off of the bench, offering her hand to Amy as she stood. There was no hesitance as the red head took her hand, not even sparing a glance for the feast which was still at full swing behind them as she followed River, who paused only to lift the blankets, before leading Amy to the shelter they had been offered.
Inside the shelter, River dropped Amy’s hand to lay the blankets out on the simple little bed. It was a simple gesture, and gave them both time to breathe a little. When River finally turned back to Amy, the red head was surprised to see her look so unsure. Reaching her hands out, she smiled when River stepped forward to take them, rubbing her thumbs gently over her knuckles in a small comforting gesture. “Are you sure?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Amy dipped her head slightly to accommodate for the slight height difference, gently pressing her lips against River’s. “Yes,” she breathed, and felt River tug her towards, and gently guiding Amy’s arms around her waist, where she carefully disentwined their hands, letting her own wander up the younger woman’s lean frame, before cupping her face, gazing into the depths of those amber eyes. “I’m sure,” Amy reassured her, not quite knowing why she suddenly felt this way. In her mind, she knew that Rory was outside somewhere amidst the feast, and yet her heart felt no guilt at being pressed so closely against River.

Soft, warm lips claimed her own, and Amy gladly let River lead the kiss. It started slowly, enjoying the simple pleasure of lips moving against lips. As River felt Amy lean into the kiss, she gently nipped at her lower lip, easing the hurt with her tongue, silently asking for permission to deepen the kiss. Despite the fact they had kissed before, this kiss was new and different. It was less demanding, and yet full of promise.

As Amy opened her mouth to allow River access, she began to realise just how talented the older woman’s tongue was. She felt River tilt her head slightly, deepening the kiss further, and escalating it into the most mind blowing kiss Amy had ever experienced. She had kissed plenty of people in her line of work, but they were nothing to this. Those meaningless little pecks could barely be classed as kisses at all compared to this.

Pouring everything she felt into the kiss, River cursed her limited lung capacity for having to pull back, instantly searching for reassurance that she wasn’t pushing too far, too fast. When she saw Amy smile, she let out the breath she didn’t realise she had been holding. Tugging Amy’s lips to her own once more, this time she didn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss, and was rewarded with Amy moaning into her mouth. Making sure not to break lip contact, River began to back slowly towards the bed, pausing when she felt it hit the back of her knees.

In any other sexual encounter (perhaps minus her first few…couple…oh alright just first) River had never found herself to be so nervous, and would normally be the one very much in control. She was never so tentative, throwing herself (and usually her partner) into it full swing, but with Amy, she couldn’t afford to be so carefree. Didn’t want to be. She wanted to show Amy exactly how much she cared. She slowly lowered herself down onto the bed, pleased when Amy followed her down without hesitation, moving to straddle the blonde, her hands trailing up her sides to come and rest around her neck, fiddling with the collar of her shirt as she kept their lips pressed together.

Amy almost whimpered with pleasure as she felt River’s fingertips dance down her spine, barely touching her, and having far more of an effect on her than she was sure should be allowed. She tugged at the collar of River’s shirt, wanting it off, wanting to feel those arms that held her so safe the night before around her once more. She heard River chuckle into the kiss, wrestling a little to help Amy rid her of her shirt, and pressing their chests together in the process. It was a feeling unlike anything Amy had experienced, and she quickly found herself longing to feel more.

She ran her fingers up and down River’s exposed arms, before letting her hands drop to the hem of her strap top, sneaking her thumb under the material and gently brushing the smooth skin below. She felt River pull back from the kiss and opened her eyes, meeting River’s gaze, searching for the reason. Settled by the small smile she saw on the blonde’s face, Amy could only watch as River reached for the hem of her own strap top, and pulled it over her head and off, tossing it on the bed behind them.

Illuminated by the light of the moon which flooded in the window, River’s skin almost seemed to glow, making her look more beautiful than Amy could ever remember. The contrast of her black bra against her honey coloured skin was a thing of beauty, and Amy found herself absent-mindedly trailing a finger across the edge of the fabric, coaxing a small moan from River. She was soon distracted, however, by River’s lips upon her neck, and soft curls tickling her skin. Rolling her head to one side to allow River better access, she could feel herself almost dizzy under River’s attentions, and found herself grasping at the blonde’s shoulders for balance. As River continued her trail of kisses up Amy’s neck and across her cheek, Amy let her fingers start to map her curves, splaying out against the perfectly smooth skin of her waist. She gasped as she felt River’s tongue trail around the shell of her ear, before the older woman placed a small kiss on the sweet spot just below it. “Lift your arms up.”

Amy did as she was asked, closing her eyes as she felt River slide her hands under the flimsy material of her vest top and tug it up over her head, letting it drop to the floor. She kept her eyes closed as smooth palms gently rubbed over her skin and River’s kisses dipped lower, towards the line of Amy’s bra. “You’re beautiful.” The words drifted up and caught her ear just as River’s tongue swept over her hammering pulse point, her teeth nipping slightly and eliciting a small yelp of surprise before a series of soft kisses were pressed against the same spot, soothing away the hurt.

Amy was beginning to understand how people said a first time was something special. With River, everything was so gentle, so soft. There was no rush to get to the main event, but time spent savouring every part of her. She thought back to her first time with Rory, the initial excitement, the fumbling, and then the disappointment…

Feeling River nuzzle into her neck, however, she knew there would be no such disappointment. She wasn’t even sure there would be any fumbling, despite the fact she herself was still unsure of her ability to please the blonde. Before now, Rory had been the only person she had been with, and she had quickly learned how to please him, not that it took much, but she had no idea how to please the woman currently making her feel as if she was the only person who existed.

“Are you okay?” The words ghosted past her ear, and she opened her eyes to meet River’s concerned gaze.

Amy nodded shyly, a blush spreading across her cheeks. Surely that question didn’t even need asking. She was more than okay. Her whole body was on fire, reacting to every sensual touch River bestowed upon it. She felt River shift under her as the blonde wrapped an arm around her waist, carefully turning them so that they were both lying on their side on the bed, giving them both a little more freedom to explore the other.
River watched Amy’s face as the redhead trailed delicate fingers across the exposed skin at her waist, stopping just as they reached her bra, as though nervous of whether she was allowed to go further.

“Don’t be scared,” she whispered, placing a gentle hand over Amy’s.

“What if I do it wrong?” asked Amy, her voice sounding hesitant.
“You won’t,” smiled River. “Trust me.”

And Amy did. With her life. She leant in towards the blonde, bringing their lips together once more, and reveling in the feel of River’s tongue against her own. Somehow, she felt more confident in what she was doing as long as River was kissing her. She let her hands roam over what skin was exposed to her, her fingers skimming gently, dipping slightly below the waist of River’s trousers, fiddling with the button, suddenly unsure again. Once more she felt River’s hand cover her own, calming and reassuring her.

Smiling into the kiss, River undid the button for her, leaving Amy to decide what she wanted to do beyond that. Looping her fingers through the belt loops on Amy’s denim skirt she tugged the younger woman a little closer, letting her hand travel over the curve of Amy’s ass, and finding a convenient resting place for it in the back pocket of the skirt. She could feel Amy’s fingers, torturously close to her centre, toying with her zip, and fought the urge to help her lower it. Determined to let Amy set the pace, she instead settled for wiggling her hips a little, hoping the red head would get the message.

And, although hesitant, Amy did. She slowly tugged the zip down, loosening the material and brushing her fingers over the material of the underwear beneath. She dipped her fingers lower, amazed at the wet heat she found. As her fingers teased over the flimsy material she heard a small hiss of pleasure from River, who squirmed against her slightly, fighting to stay in control of her body’s reactions.

Knowing what she really could inspire in the blonde, Amy felt her confidence rise, and she quickly started tugging at the waist band of the trousers, pushing River onto her back as she did so. The blonde raised her hips, allowing her to remove them, a strangled whimper coming from her as she felt Amy’s fingers tickle down her thighs. She had waited so long hoping for this that she was struggling to stay in control. Her body was reveling in every touch, taste, smell and sensation, urging her to pick up the pace. She forced herself not to, however. If this was Amy’s first time, she wasn’t going to drag her through it at hyper-speed. She was going to follow the torturously slow pace, and learn to enjoy it. To savour each moment, each touch.

She heard her trousers being dropped to the floor and watched as Amy crawled back up her body, leaning down, looking for reassurance in the kiss once more. River smoothed her hands over the younger woman’s shoulders, and down her back, sliding them below the waistband of her skirt, and sliding them around to the front, skilled fingers easily undoing the button and zip before sliding off the offending article and the accompanying leggings.

Amy broke their kiss for a few moments as she kicked the clothing off her legs with all the elegance of a newborn foal, tripping on the edge of the skirt and falling back down on the small bed beside River, who was trying to hide the fact that she was chuckling at her. Chuckling which immediately ceased when Amy leant up on her elbow and let the fingers of her free hand travel across the blonde’s cheek, tucking a stray curl behind her ear, before letting a solitary finger trace a line further down the blonde’s body, down her chest, between her breasts, across her toned stomach and finally down to the her waiting centre, lightly brushing over her wet panties. She watched as River arched her back slightly under her attentions, still slightly amazed at the reactions she could inspire in the older woman. And still very much in awe of her beauty.

As she ran her hand back up to rest on River’s hip, she tugged her forward slightly, urging her onto her side, and closer to Amy. She felt River’s knee nudge between her own, and then a warm, smooth thigh settle between her own, sating a little of her building need for friction.

River couldn’t suppress the moan which erupted from her throat at feeling Amy’s wetness against her thigh. Any doubts she had vanished in knowing that Amy was just as wet and ready as she was. That Amy wanted her almost as much as she did her. She brought her lips to Amy’s neck, starting a sensual trail of kisses, every so often lightly grazing Amy’s pale skin with her teeth, followed by her teasing tongue. She would then blow gently across the same spot, making Amy squirm in pleasure, small whimpers falling from her lips.
Nerves gone, River was now intent on showing Amy just how much she adored her. Over the years, and she had lived through many, and visited even more, River had picked up skills. She was comfortable in her own skin, and confident she could please the red head. She could feel Amy was nervous, the way her muscles tensed under River’s touch in a way that wasn’t entirely down to pleasure, the way she constantly sought reassurance, seeking out River’s lips, her hands grasping onto her as though she might just suddenly get up and leave her.

“Relax,” whispered River, the warmth of her voice clearer now than ever.

“I’m sorry,” came the reply.

She pulled back so that she could look at Amy’s face, gently tracing a finger down the side of her cheek as she waited for Amy to open her eyes. “Don’t apologise to me,” she told her. “Ever.” Amy finally opened her eyes, revealing Amber orbs clouded with fear. River forced a smile and reached for Amy’s tanktop behind her and handing it to the red head, not wanting her to feel awkward that this was too much too fast.

Amy, however, shook her head, taking the top and throwing it to the floor. “I want this,” she smiled.

It was a smile River matched. “Then definitely don’t apologise.” Taking the lead, she reached behind her and undid the clasp on her bra, sitting up to slide it off and letting it drop to the floor. Maneuvering herself over Amy, silently hoping that she wouldn’t feel trapped in this new position, River also wriggled out of her panties, kicking them aside before nudging a leg between Amy’s. She slipped a hand into Amy’s silky locks as she lowered her lips to meet the younger woman’s in a hungry kiss. She felt Amy respond in kind, her hands sliding into her hair, holding her in place, tugging her down even further as she felt the younger woman’s hips grind down on her leg.

Amy finally relinquished her grip on River’s hair only when she needed to breathe. Her head falling back onto the bed, she could only gasp in delight as River once more started her pleasurable assault on her neck. Still breathless, Amy trailed her fingers over the soft skin of River’s shoulders, and down her back, uninterrupted by any straps or clothes. She couldn’t help but wonder how she kept her skin so soft. Every time she had seen River she had been running, shooting, saving the world…and yet from her skin you would think she spent her days relaxing in a spa, being pampered and moisturized.

She opened her eyes as she felt River move her lips lower, down her body, kissing her way down to her breasts. River met her gaze for a moment, giving Amy her trademark smirk before returning to the task at hand. It was all the eye contact Amy could take, anyway. No one had ever looked at her the way River just had. There wasn’t just lust there. There was a depth of emotion Amy had never seen before. Hope, longing…love.
It was this realization which finally made Amy let go, surrendering herself to River completely. This wasn’t just some pursuit for her. Not some game. No, it was real. Amy could feel it in every touch she bestowed upon her. She leant up on her elbows, wanting to reassure herself that it really was the lips of the human mystery that was River Song upon her. Green eyes twinkling with mischief looked up at her, while she felt warm hands on her back, River having slid her arms under her in the newly created space.

Amy smiled to feel those strong arms around her once more, the corners of her mouth curling up further when she felt talented fingers quickly dealing with the clasp on her bra before gently peeling it away from her skin. River’s lips immediately lowered to worship the newly exposed skin, and Amy cried out in pleasure as the older woman’s tongue and teeth grazed and teased her hardened nipples. Her volume only increased as she felt nails scrape lightly over her stomach, their destination clear.

As River’s fingers slid Amy’s soaked panties to one side the red head lost of hope of being able to concentrate on mutually pleasing the older woman as her hands grasped at River’s sides. She felt two long fingers slide inside her, starting a slow pace that had Amy let out a long, low moan. The two fingers were quickly joined by a thumb flicking over her clit as River increased her pace, at the same time kissing her way back up to Amy’s lips. She hated to quieten the red heads sensual symphony, but she was highly doubtful of the soundproof qualities of their current environment, and also quite unsure as to where the rest of their party was. Now would not be a good time for Rory or the Doctor to come hunting for them.

She lowered her lips to Amy’s, feeling the younger woman moan into her mouth. With every thrust of her hand she felt Amy’s breathing increase until it came in short gasps. Amy’s moans had become whispered pleads for release, finally descending into an almost silent mix of; “Fuck, River, yes.” The blonde felt Amy start to tense around her fingers, at the very edge of release. With one final flick over the younger woman’s engorged clit she felt Amy’s muscles clamp around her, and a primal growl of pure pleasure left her lips as she lay limp below River.

Grinning, the blonde placed a gentle kiss against Amy’s forehead before moving to lie next to her on the bed, an arm protectively around her waist. “That…was…amazing,” the younger woman panted, her breathing still something that was beyond her control for the moment. River chuckled, nuzzling into her neck and placing a series of sweet kisses there.

“You’re welcome,” she smiled, her lips hovering just beside Amy’s ear.

Amy had never really been one to bask in the afterglow, and was unsure if at the moment she was basking, or actually recovering from the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced. As the waves of pleasure had rolled over her she couldn’t even be completely sure she had been able to remain conscious. She turned her head to the side, taking in the beauty of the woman next to her. River was tracing random patterns across the pale skin of Amy’s stomach, her eyes focusing on the movement like it was possibly the most interesting thing she had ever seen. Amy guessed it wasn’t. She placed a hand over River’s stilling it and making River look up to meet Amy’s gaze, a smile on her face.

Still feeling slightly shaky from the aftershocks of pleasure which were yet to wear off, Amy turned on her side, nudging River to lie on her back. The guilt she felt was the first she felt that night, and it was not towards Rory in any sense, but rather at leaving the goddess next to her unsated. River placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, concern marking her face. “Relax, enjoy yourself.”

Amy brushed off the older woman’s concern with a suggestively raised eyebrow. “Oh I will,” she grinned, unsure of where her sudden confidence had come from but not going to stop and question it.

River chuckled in response, and for the first time, Amy noticed how truly warm and seductive the sound was. Not for the first time she wondered how she had missed how truly attractive River was, or if she had simply forced herself not to. She lowered her lips to tanned skin, smoothing her palms up River’s sides to cup her full breasts. Letting herself be guided by the blonde’s vocal cues, Amy quickly found herself believing River’s earlier words that she wouldn’t do it wrong. From the noises of primal pleasure and whispered words of confirmation, Amy was in fact doing it very right. She felt River arch into her as she sucked a hardened nipple into her mouth, teasing the other between a thumb and forefinger.

Moving down the bed, Amy hesitantly began to kiss lower. She had never gone down on a woman before, and felt she was, for lack of a more appropriate term, plunging in at the deep end. But she had gotten this far, and as she nipped lightly at River’s hip, the smell of her wet heat was intoxicating. She was tentative to begin with, moving her tongue slowly down the length of River’s shaved slit. The first taste of River on her tongue, however, and she was lost, all hesitancy forgotten as she let instinct guide her.

If River’s increased volume was anything to go by, Amy’s instincts were pretty good. Swirling her tongue around the blonde’s sensitive clit, she looked up the length of River’s body, almost gasping at how beautiful she looked spread out before her, a light sheen of perspiration covering her body, the moonlight making the small droplets almost sparkle. Amy thought back on all the other times she had made love before, trying to find an experience to match this, and coming up blank. Nothing even came close.

Shifting slightly on the bed, she slid two, then three fingers into River, keeping up the movement of her tongue. It didn’t take long before she felt the older woman getting close, a deep growl ripping from her throat. Curving her fingers slightly, she felt River’s muscles tense around them, finally tumbling over the edge. Amy slowed her fingers as the blonde rode out her waves of pleasure, her back arched, head thrown back. Removing her fingers, Amy without thought put them to her mouth, cleaning the taste of River from them with her tongue, thinking the taste of her was almost as seductive as the woman herself. She rested her head on the blonde’s stomach, feeling River’s breathing slowly come back to its usual slow, steady rhythm. Warm fingers slid into her hair, and tugged her gently up towards waiting lips.

“I told you you wouldn’t do it wrong,” chuckled River, shifting on the bed to create space for Amy to lie next to her. The red head happily complied, curling against River, her head resting on her shoulder. She reached up to toy with the curl that tickled her cheek, watching as the spun gold twirled around her finger.
When Amy didn’t say anything for quite a while, River began to become concerned. She gently traced her fingers up and down the younger woman’s arm, succeeding in bringing her gaze to meet her own. “What’s wrong?”

Amy shook her head, a small smile finding its way onto her face. “Nothing.”

“Sure?” asked River, her concern still clear.

Looking up at River, Amy realised how long she mad mistaken her attitude towards her. She had thought before that River only looked out for her because she was one of the Doctor’s companions, but now she realised it had never been about that. She thought back to the weeping angels. She had told her she was amazing when she paused the Angel, and it hadn’t been in that sarcastic voice she often used with the Doctor. She had meant it.

Amy had never understood until then why when she dropped the communicator she had wanted to shout for River, and not the Doctor. But now, she realised, it was simple. River made her feel safe. In the forest, counting down to her own death, River had tried to soften the blow. When she couldn’t open her eyes, River had tried to reassure her with her touch, her embrace. Telling her to not let go for anything. There had been a promise in those words, silent, but there. River wasn’t allowing her to let go, to leave her before they had even had their chance.

“I’m sure,” Amy smiled, leaning her head back against River’s shoulder. She only moved when she felt River tugging at the blanket beneath them, letting her pull it out from under her so that she could wrap them both in it. As soon as River had settled on her back, Amy once more took up her position nestled into her side, nuzzling into the blonde’s neck, inhaling the sweet, spicy scent that was pure River Song. “Did you know this was going to happen?” she asked finally, mumbling into darkness.

There was a pause before River answered. “No.” But of course that was too simple an answer to satisfy the young red head, and River knew it. “You’re new in my timeline. I don’t know how, but you are. So, no, I didn’t know. I don’t have spoilers with you.” She paused again, unsure of whether to go on. River was not used to speaking openly, and had spent years learning to never give anything away with what she said. “I really thought I had missed my chance when you married Rory,” she finally admitted, surprised to find tears in her eyes.

She felt Amy shake her head against her shoulder. “You haven’t.” A slender arm snaked around her naked torso, hugging her tight. “Not even close.”

amy; river; dr who; femslash planet

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