Amy/River - Affair (reply to prompt)

Jul 31, 2010 21:58

Hope this is okay for you x unbeta'd, so all mistakes are mine (however, all characters, places and references made to them are in no way defamatory, and (unfortunately) are not mine

Amy/River - affair - any rating

Amy knew she was a married woman.  But Amy also knew that she couldn’t resist the charms of a certain mysterious blonde that was somehow an inextricable part of her past, present and future.  And that was how she found herself perched on the edge of a fountain in 23rd century Rome after starting some completely inane argument with Rory, and demanding that the Doctor took her somewhere for some ‘alone’ time.

And yet coming here, to this seemingly random place, alone was the last thing she knew she was going to be.  Warm, familiar arms wrapped themselves around her waist from behind and she felt a familiar voice tickle her ear.  “Hello darling.”  Even that voice was pure seduction.  How was she supposed to resist?  Without even needing to turn around the sound of that voice and the tickle of warm breath against her neck had her knees going weak.  She smiled, leaning back into the warm body that was River.  It didn’t matter where or when they met, River was always warm, and had never been shy about sharing that warmth with Amy.  “Imagine meeting you here,” she ginned, turning so she could look into familiar green eyes.

“Mmm, imagine,” chuckled River, gently pressing her lips to Amy’s.  Pulling back, she let out a small sigh of contentment.  The sadness of the gaps in time when they weren’t together already swept from her mind as she inhaled the familiar scent of the younger woman’s perfume.  “Have you had dinner yet?” she asked, hoping the answer was no.  She loved spending time with her Amelia no matter what they did, but taking her for little private dinners was a bit of a guilty pleasure of hers.  She would always make sure she knew of a few little secluded holes in the wall where they could waste away a couple of hours, unnoticed by the world as she studied Amy by candlelight.  Somehow, in the soft glow, she seemed even more beautiful.

Amy shook her head, and watched a wide smile settle onto River’s features.  “Let me guess, you know a little place I’ll love?”

“Well I don’t like to boast...” grinned River, standing and holding out a hand for Amy to take.

The red head did so without a moments hesitation, letting River lean her head on her shoulder as they walked.  She pushed the thought from her mind that she was never like this with Rory.  Such casual intimacy was beyond him.  Holding hands was about as far as he would go.  Certainly not an arm protectively around her waist, holding her close as they walked.  She wasn’t even sure she would want him to.  It was part of what was special with River, and only River.


Amy leant back against River in the bench chair they had been sitting in, sipping at her liqueur hot chocolate.  The perfect end to a perfect meal in her eyes, made all the more so by the feeling of River pressed against her.  There were moments when she questioned whether or not she should be doing this, but then, in moments like this, she remembered why she had to.  Rory had waited two thousand years for her.  Marrying him was the right thing to do after that.  But it didn’t change the fact that she couldn’t live without River in her life.  She wanted, no needed, the closeness she shared with her.  River could make her feel like no one else ever had.  She knew her short-falls and loved her all the same.  And she wasn’t afraid to be passionate with her.  Whenever they argued, Rory would back down, leaving Amy more frustrated than she started.  But River would let rip right back, no holds barred, and Amy revelled in it.  She could scream and shout her frustration out, and River would go toe to toe with her.  And she would always help to deal with any leftover ‘frustration’ as they termed it...usually when both were catching their breath, they would catch each others’ eye, and that was all it ever took for them to throw themselves together with a passion no longer born out of anger, all teeth and tongues and grasping hands.

“How long before you have to go?” asked River, not wanting to break the silence, but not wanting to waste the time they had.  Amy’s pause told her that the red head thought she would have to go soon.  Still, she told herself not to be disappointed.  It was their rules.  They spent whatever time they could together, and made the best of it, never mentioning Rory.  It was simple.  River didn’t ask, and Amy didn’t tell.  Besides, they had plenty of other things to discuss if they felt the need for conversation.

Lost in her own reverie, River was slightly taken aback when Amy made her reply.

“I don’t have to go anywhere else any time soon,” she smiled.  “I told the Doctor I would send him a message when I was ready to come back.  I’m not ready to go back yet.”

Joy aside, River knew this was a dangerous game they were playing.  The Doctor was one of the most amazing men she knew.  That they had hidden this from him, and of course, Rory for so long was verging on a miracle.  “Won’t he miss you?  Start asking questions, looking for you?”  She didn’t want it to sound as if she wanted Amy to go, but she wanted to keep what they had between them, between them.  What she never wanted was for Amy to have to choose.  She didn’t want to put her through that kind of heartbreak, and risk losing her.

“I’ll say I got distracted,” said Amy, turning to face River, tracing a finger along the V of her top.

“Amy,” said River in what was supposed to be a warning tone, coming out rather more husky than she had planned.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want this as much as I do,” replied Amy, her lips hovering over River’s in a ghost kiss.

River knew she could never deny Amy, not when their desires were one and the same.


The only thought Amy spared for Rory as River urgently started to strip her of her clothes as she backed her into the hotel room she had paid for was that he would never do something like this.  Sex with Rory had to be a pretty much planned affair, and only ever at night...and even after all that he pretty much needed a step by step guide to get through it.  Amy revelled in the fact that River needed no such guide, her hands and lips roaming over Amy’s skin as more of it was revealed.  Small moans of pleasure fell from her lips, her hands reaching out in search of smooth skin, tugging at River’s clothes until the blonde chuckled, finally helping her to remove them.  Pulling them back towards the bed, River tossed her down before crawling up the redheads body.  In nothing but their underwear the two women took time to explore all that was on offer to them, reminding themselves of the softest, most responsive, and ticklish parts of each other’s bodies before removing any further articles of clothing.

Fingers skimmed smooth skin, teased sensitive nipples, and flicked engorged clits as both women brought the other that sweet release, time and time again.  Writhing stop the sheets, hands grasping onto whatever they could in an attempt to feel like they were still holding on as talented fingers took them to the edge, and beyond.


No hotel room was too expensive when it meant a night with the woman she loved.  Those nights were priceless.  And the mornings that followed, well, they weren’t such a bad way to wake up.  River’s eyes flickered open in the lazy mid-morning sun that snuck into the room even through the closed blinds.  A smile instantly found its way onto her face as her body also woke to the sensation of the warmth of another person pressed closely against her.  She glanced down at the red hair splayed across her naked shoulder and chest where Amy was snuggled into her.  The younger women was still asleep, and River didn’t have the heart to wake her.  Although she would never admit it, with Amy, she was one of the horribly romantic people, right down to the cute little words to describe each and every thing the red head did or said.  Still, as long as she was still awesome alongside it, she could live with it.

She ran her fingers through the delicate strands of Amy’s hair, stilling when she felt her stir, wriggling against her.  “Morning sleepyhead.”

Amy turned her head to gaze up at River, her curls even wilder then usual after a restless night in bed.  She leant up to press a lazy good morning kiss on her lips, which she gladly let River deepen.

“Why do I always get caught up in such messy affairs?” asked a familiar voice from across the room.

Both women froze sharing a look of horror, before Amy slid off of her current position practically on top of River, moving to lie beside her, but keeping a protective arm around her, even though River could probably do more to protect them from, well...anything.

The Doctor did not look impressed.  You didn’t even have to know him at all to see that.  “So is this just one affair or two?”

amy; river; dr who

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