Aug 17, 2004 20:02
I am sure everyone here remembers our president after September 11 and the start of the war on terrorism. Even though the administration tried as hard as they could from day one to make sure they werent fighting a war against islam, Bush still called the war a crusade, and titled the initial war as OPERATION Infinite Justice.
tsk tsk tsk...
Operation Infinite Justice?
Who do they have on this staff?
Any idiot knows what the Crusades were and what that term denotes. Muslims believe infinite justice lies only with Allah (SWT)
Well regardless of Bush and the current administration, they are not representative of my definition of what it means to be American. I represent Ameircan to be representative of American ideals.
The initial layout of the American system is in fact very just and the framers of our constitution were in fact very wise in methods of establishing the American government. This is not to say that they were perfect, for no creation, or nothing man-made can ever be perfect, perfection lies only with Allah (swt). They maintain fundamental rights guaranteed in the constitution and bill of rights, as inalienable rights that can never be taken away, no matter what the majority of the population may think. And from there laws can be established, and over time the current system has been established. Of course there have been many issues of corruption and deceit, but only a fool would argue that a better system exists in any of the current Muslim countries. Nonetheless, my main point was not to defend the American system, but to point out the inherent just-ness that should be synonomous with the adjective of the word American. With all the problems in the world today and all the so called 'conflicts of cultures' and 'clashes of civilizations', what i find most odd is that most of these major problems in this would easily be solved if Americans actually were true Americans, and if Muslims actually were true Muslims.