Sep 18, 2004 22:46
Six Flags Muslim Youth Day was really fun yesterday. ICNA basically bought out the entire park. We had jummah prayer led by Imam Zaid Shakir (excellent khubtah!) And then enjoyed a day filled with rides (NITRO and Medusa (3x) the most notable ones). The day capped off with A comedy show (Allah Made Me funny, headlined by the hilarious Azhar Usman), and a stop at the Chicken Guy for dinner before returning home. Subhanallah it was great to spend time with such great friends and to meet so many familiar faces (as well as new ones). It was an outstanding day!
Allright, but like Imam Zaid stressed in his khutbah, it was great to have fun that day, but now its back to real work, and there is alot to do now. He encouraged us all to gain knowledge, learn about whats going on the world, and help contribute to the community...
What i cant stand is people not caring about whats going on in the world. Especially Muslims, especially today!
On May 1, 2003 (Over 15 months ago), President Bush declared MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in Iraq. So far over 1,000 Americans, and over 15,000 Iraqis have been unjustly killed in Iraq (these are conservative estiamtes, i wouldnt be surprised if the actual totals double these figures)
So 15 months later, after the war was supposed to be over, whats the exit strategy, what are the plans for Iraq?
Well according to USA Today this past Thursday,
Donald Rumsfeld said:
"At some point the Iraqis will get tired of getting killed and we'll have enough of the Iraqi security forces that they can take over responsibility for governing that country,"
So they will get tired of getting killed, as if the 15,000 deaths arent enough? What the f***??!?!??!
Whatever, 45 more days... till regime change here at home... 45 long days...