Mar 17, 2005 20:50
--Current mood: hungry as a muthafugga
--Current taste: tits
--Current hair: down and wet cause i just got out of the shower
--Current clothes: shorts and a spaghetti strap
--Current c-d: northstar
--Current favorite celebrity: david westerfield
--Current hate: my computer
--Smoke?: nope
--Do drugs?: nope
--Have sex?: sex, whats that?
--Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yeah, its so fucking scary.
--Remember your first love?: sure
--Still love him/her?: ew no
--Read the newspaper?: only the one we get at school
--Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Jade
--Believe in miracles?: If it makes you feel better then yes, i do.
--Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? Yeah if your fat
--Consider love a mistake?: no
--Like the taste of alcohol?: Ew no taste like shit
--Have a favorite candy?: anything chocolate
--Believe in magic?: no
--Believe in God?: yeah
--Have any pets:no i'm poor
--Go to or plan to go to college: yes
--Have any tattoos?: no
--Have an obsession?: yeah teehee
--Have a secret crush?: i have a crush but it's no secret or anything.
--Have a best friend?: yeah
--Wish on stars?: no
--First crush: uhh this guy named kalani in kindergarten
--First kiss: ew Austin
--Single or attached?: single
--Ever been in love?: no
--Do you believe in love at first sight?: i do now...hahaha i'm hitting on a survey
--Do you believe in "the one?": what, sure.
--Favorite place to be kissed?: lips haha
--Have you ever been caught "doing something?": no i'm not a pervert
--Shy to make the first move?: depends, usually yeah though.
--Rubber: tits
--Rock: the boat
--Green: eggs and ham
--Wet: armpits
--Cry: bitch
--Peanut: butter
--Steamy: pasta
--Rain: drops
~ Have You Ever
--Dated one of your best friends?: no i'm not a lesbian
--Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: liked someone so much but not loved someone so much
--Ran away from home?: tried to but it was too cold outside
--Broken a bone?: no
--Played truth or dare?: yeah
--Kissed someone you didn't know?: no
--Been in a fight?: no i'm not hardcore sorry
--Came close to dying? yeah
-- Been called a tease: ew
-- Your weakness: food...what can i say i'm a fucking fat ass
-- Your fears: dying, hitting my head so my brain swells up, breaking my ribs, basically death in general scares me.
-- Your thoughts first waking up: i'm such a fatass
-- Your bedtime: whenever
-- Your most missed memory: Being friends with kellye
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: a decent amount
-- Number of CDs that I own: enough
-- Number of scars on my body: a lot because i'm clumsy
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: nothing really
--If you had 10 mins to live? i'd have sex...ew no just kidding i'd
probabaly read a novel or something. Or perhaps take a walk around the
block, eat, a quick dip in the pool, whatever i'min the mood for in the
last 10 minutes of my life
--What do you first notice about the opposite sex?: face
have you ever been sent flowers?: no cause that wouldn't be cute to me i'd be annoyed