[name:] tiffanie harrison
[Star sign:] scorpio...but i don't believe in that stuff...
[sexual orientation:]Straight
[how long since last serious relationship:] never a serious one...
[longest relationship:] about 4 months
[ever had a long distance relationship:] yes
[do you have faith in long distance relationships:] not at this stage in my life...
[on dates do you pay or get paid for:] paid for
[ever been on a blind date:] no
[ever dated more than one person at a time:] no
[ever have "friends with benefits"] no.
[ever cheated:] nope
[ever had your heart broken:] nope
[ever been dumped:] nope
[number of people slept with:] zero
[do you kiss on the first date:] nope.
[what attracts you to a person:] similar interests, it's different everytime...
[physical traits you turn your head for:] nice arms, those little muscles on the lower stomach
[ever been in love:] no
[say I love you even though you didn't mean it:] yes
[average age you get involved with:] older
[have relationships changed you:] not really...i haven't let myself get that involved
[have your relationships been worthwhile:] not really
[where do you normally meet people for
dating or relationships:] church[would you ever get married:] DEFINATELY!!
[key to a successful relationship:] honesty and realistic expectations...
do you bite your nails: nope
can you roll your tongue: yeah
can you blow smoke rings: no
can you blow spit bubbles: yes
can you cross your eyes: yes
can you flip your eyelids out: yes, but it's not very comfy...
tattoos and where: none
piercings and where: ears
do you make your bed daily: i never even sleep in my bed...
what goes on first bra or underwear: bra
which shoe goes on first: usually left...i feel anal for knowing that...
::speaking of shoes::
have you thrown one at someone: yes
how much money is usually in your wallet: it ranges...money burns my hand but on average about 20-30
what jewelry do you wear 24/7: cross necklace
whats sexiest on a guy: smile...and those lower tummy muscles
whats sexiest on a girl: ...
would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: late and great
|| FOOD ||
do you twirl your spagetti: sometimes
how many cereals are in your cabinet: 4 or 5
what utensils do you use eating pizza: my hizzands
do you cook: barely...
how often do you brush your teeth: 2-3 times a day
how often do you shower/bath: a couple of times a day...im obsessed!
hair drying method: a various array of hair products, then careful blowdry then straighten then curl...
do you paint your nails: yes, to match every outfit
do you swear: nope
do you spit in public: nope
do you pee in the shower: nope
|| IN + AROUND ||
the cd player: CAMP soundtrack...random dance mixes
person(s) you talk most on the phone with: im not a phone person...
what color is your bedroom: tan/peach
you use an alarm clock: sometimes...
you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: nope...
or sunbathed in the nude: ...nope...im black
whats your sleeping position: on the side...curled up
what kind of bed do you like: big and lots of blankets w/1 pillow
in hot weather do you use a blanket: yes
do you snore: haha...sometimes
do you sleepwalk: nope
do you talk in your sleep: nope
do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no...they just end up on the floor anyway...
how about the light on: nope
do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: sometimes
were kissed or kissed someone: .
watched bambi: when i was 4
talked on the phone: yesterday
read a book: ooo...that's been a while...
punched someone: i slapped my sister a few minutes ago...
who is your best friend: Spashley Nichols
what friend makes you smile the most: Natalie is funny...and I can't help but be happy whenever Sarah is around
that you miss the most: umm...I missed Kyle, but I talked to him last night
|| MUSIC ||
is music important to you: not too much, only for dancing...
do you sing: yes
what instruments do you play: none
what do you think of Eminem: crude...but hot...what can i say i have a thing for wiggers..
in your opinion, what band is the best of all time:...
pop music: sure
rock music: im not crazy about it...
emo music: john mayer is fun...
rap music: for driving in the car + clubbing...i kept this from alex's...haha...you go clubbing??
hip-Hop/RB: yes
country: no
jazz: yes
ska: not so much...
|| LOVE ||
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
his/her name: ...
how long have you guys been together: ...
longest relationship: 4 months
shortest relationship: 2 months
who was the sweetest bf/gf you had: chris
--Best eye color? green
--Best hair color? black
--Short or long hair? short
--Best height? TAAAALLLLL
--Best weight? About 180-220 depends on height
--Best articles of clothing? not too picky...just as long as they don't wear brown+black belts/shoes...mmm...i like tight sweaters in the winter...
--Best first date location? dinner + walk
--Best first kiss location? front door