[Lynne made it to Cherrygrove City! And surprise surprise, she's still in one piece. Despite the grin on her face, she looks rather ill; that's what happens when you stay out in the snow for days. She has to take a moment to sneeze before she speaks.]
So, I just arrived in Cherrygrove not too long ago, and when I went to the PokéMart to buy a few things, this guy gave me an egg!
[She holds the Pokémon egg up for everyone to see.]
Apparently it's from someone named Kanra. I don't think I know anyone by that name... He must be a secret admirer! I'm not too surprised; I'm used to those. But thanks, Kanra! I can't wait to see what kind of Pokémon will hatch out of this~
[After she finishes the video, Lynne leans back further into the couch and coughs a bit.]
I hate being sick...
[She holds the egg closer to her chest and keeps her arms gently wrapped around it, carefully rubbing the shell with her hands to help keep it warmer. She would go get her room now, but she's not feeling so great right now. Anyone want to help a sick girl out?]