Dec 20, 2004 15:15
Today kids we are going to have a double highlights reel!! Here goes:
First semester at BGSU featuring Heather, Chris, Ashley, Joicelyn, Megan, Frank, Bernie, and Reggie
On the corner of BGSU and Main
My last name is Junior
I can Fly
Wait where's Marcos
Tomius..u know like Jerryius
Tropical FFF tropical fff tropical skittles
cold hard silk
antiquing Dre...and the whole house
Chris getting written on in his sleep
indoor hide and seek
keep away from reggie and chris
rag tag team took second
Kings at Dre's
hours of smash bros and Madden
Megan and Heather winning the first dunk contest
Insult board...who does that?!?!?
Beer Pong
dancing....line dances!!
Sky Bar
random bruises and concussions
Keystone Light
Strawberry/Banana Daquries
If girls could have babies
Questions eh??
Talk Show night
Finals week
Drunken Dials
"That Bitch" from "Michigan"
Never have I ever
Truth or Dare nuff said
Cherry Bombs
Some guy giving us $12 at the bar for being us
In the navy
Do u have $0.50...for what? a mild...why dont u just ask me to by a mild
getting "released" over chips
sucking beer off the Beer Pong table
stealing Bud Lights
Heather actually drinking beer in pong
finding random "cups" to drink out of
power hour
cook out
Homecoming weekend
13 bags of cans and counting...
Football war on Sundays
Milwaukees Best Ice...learned something that day
no money for food...but we've got beer
Reggie's car got towed
The fugitive
arrest warrants in the apt.
People falling through tables
Broken closets, broken tables, broken doors...shit everythings broken
passing out in the grass
holes in the wall
passing out before the party starts
care bears
coloring books
family guy
That 70s Show
Real World
Leon time
red Sox game
wrestling in the living room
Ron Artest
knee pads
Im gonna start studying at.......Fuck it I'll just get up early tomorrow
i bought the beer last night
I said Shit
Midnight Loves
Joicelyn gets hurt everyday
playing with boys gets you hurt
Old School
Reggie being drunk as fuck and being our entertainment
Megan getting stuck in her room
choke of death
hearing the people in the next room
story time
As for the rest of it..we cant remember...use your imagination on what you will...It was a great semester!
Now the second highlight reel:
The Christmas Party:
Terra's 21!!
Futher Muckers
dollar shots
hotel party
fast food run and being left "alone"
Walmart the weekend before Christmas
Flip cup
visitng people
seeing the people I missed!!
One eyed monster
_____ Fucker
why drive all that way
staying up all night "talking" LOL
soo much more but thats all for now
love yas!!