A question:

Oct 24, 2002 12:54

Since I have been in the wilderness for far too long, what the hell has been happening with the e-mail that everyone is referring to? I think ive read it and it wasnt written by a quiller was it?

Can someone please give me the full story. (sorry- I know youre all probably sick of it by now)

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Comments 4

Long story made somewhat short amaterasu October 24 2002, 07:02:37 UTC
Here's my take on it.

Well, there was this thread on the WAIL board called GWDAS or something like that. A bunch of rabid Ginny fans and R/H-ers, I believe. It was a long thread that I never read until I noticed Z had closed it out. I wandered in, and it seemed to be a bunch of near-netspeak BS, and something about a letter. Didn't pay it much attention, figured it was a bunch of newbie kids, thought "Good for you, Zed," and went about my merry way.

The next thing I know, everyone's linking to a post on Cassie Claire's lj (epicyclical). Apparently, Cassie got a copy of an e-mail that was sent by people claiming to be Quillers and speaking for the Quill. It was long, it was orange, and it detailed point-by-ridiculous-point why H/H-ers "NEED TO BE TAKEN OUT AND TORTURED THIS MEANS YOU ( ... )


soupytwist October 24 2002, 07:37:31 UTC
Yup, it was Quillers, sadly enough. Robin's pretty much summed it up - there was this thread full of overly enthusiastic Ginny fangirls, who Z had basically ignored because the thread was so huge, and then they got into H/Her-bashing and sent a long, pretty incoherant threatning letter to jedi_ginny, the owner of a H/H website, basically saying why R/H rules and u sux and u will regret it if u don't believe us.

Then everyone else found out and got very stressed indeed.


gryffinrose October 24 2002, 07:55:16 UTC
*crawls out from under her rock* Thanks, guys . . . I had been wondering the wholes story, too but was too afraid to ask ^^;

*huggles all the Quillers* That's not very fun and I'm sorry it had to happen. I hope the "culprits" apologize to you all and it never happens again. That really sux.



anonymous October 29 2002, 21:23:05 UTC
Hello, Ro! Erg, now I feel really out of the loop. Though I am currently reading up on the SQ Halloween entires. :-) Are you still having trouble accessing my page from Leeds? God only knows what they have against me... ;-) I guess it just means you'll have to go home more often! Sorry for not being very page-vigilant as of late (pr anything vigilant), have been feeling a little under the weather. I can sympathise with all of your good and bads from yesterday's entry. Let's both try to hang in there! And go buy some more fruit - cafeterias seem to suck the world over!



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