Yeah, yeah, okay! So, I am FINALLY updating my LJ, and (feeding two hungry vultures with the same moldy foccacia) doing this "six weird things" thing.
The "rules" (such as they are and not to be properly followed since MOST of my six potential tagees have already been):
Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about you. People who got tagged need to write a blog entry of their own 6 weird things. They should as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. I hate driving the "conventional" way anywhere. If there is an obscure backroad, or meander through some scary (but potentially fascinating) different part of town, and I can sort of get from point a to point be by taking it, I will. Lucky for me I live in the southern California megalopolis, so my chances of getting lost, and opportunities to aimlessly wander are virtually limitless.
2. Hello, I am a bird-watcher. I am really surprised my ADD self allows me to be still enough to do it, but there you have it. Problem is, I also am a mountain-biker, and they are often mutually exclusive pursuits. Nothing like barreling down an awesome single-track, and then having to "whoa-Nelly" because I caught a glimpse of a wrentit or Stellar's Jay. Suffice it to say, half of my bike injuries have been caused by this.
3. I love to play my viola--I hate to practice. Thus, I really suck at playing, but I enjoy it anyway.
*sigh* The Bach suites are heaven-on-earth, unless you've heard me play them.
4. I hate commercial TV. This accounts for my woeful lack of pop-culture savvy. I own a tee shirt that says Reality entertainment is neither--'nough said.
5. I have owned two motorcycles in my life--unfortunately none right now. Is there a red Vespa in my future?
6. I always wished I was from England rather than California. This fits very nicely with my Potter-obsession, but was a real pain whilst growing-up and imposing my "posh accent" on everyone. It was always "what did she say?"
That's it--and way too much info. But, sometimes when insomnia hits I get on a roll and run with it!
I tag
weirdsister06 (because they're the only ones my other friends haven't already tagged . . . I think!)